- SB 738 - Nodler - Modifies penalties for persistent violations of air or water pollution laws, prohibits certain county solid waste laws, and requires energy efficiency disclosures for new home sales
LR: 3345L.05C HCS SS SCS SB 738
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee (3345S.03C)
- SB 753 - Mayer - Designates certain stretches of highway after law enforcement or military personnel
LR: 3323L.07T HCS SCS SBs 753, 728, 906 & 1026
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Transportation Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- SB 759 - Stouffer - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after a certain date to be a biodiesel-blended fuel
LR: 3573S.03P SCS SB 759
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred H Transportation Committee
- SB 760 - Stouffer - Authorizes the State Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005
LR: 3493L.05C HCS SCS SB 760
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Transportation Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- HCS Voted Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- SB 764 - Wilson - Modifies the eligibility requirements for food stamp assistance
LR: 3495S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 S withdrawn
- 4/1/2008 -- Defeated on Perfection Vote
- SB 789 - Griesheimer - Requires insurance companies to provide coverage for computerized prosthetic devices
LR: 3234S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations Committee
- SB 790 - Champion - Creates a "Crime Laboratory Review Commission" to independently review the operations of crime laboratories in the state of Missouri that receive state-administered funding
LR: 3290S.02P
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 797 - Bray - Modifies the laws relating to elections
LR: 3178L.02C HCS SB 797
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 801 - Ridgeway - Increases the maximum amount of compensation which the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners may pay officers
LR: 3318S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Special Committee on General Laws Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on General Laws Committee - Consent
- SB 805 - Mayer - Modifies the definition of the term "agricultural and horticultural property" for property tax purposes
LR: 3626S.01P
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 830 - Coleman - Limits the tuition that may be charged by a higher education institution to certain combat veterans
LR: 3061L.05T HCS SCS SB 830
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Special Committee on Veterans Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Veterans Committee
- SB 838 - Engler - Allows fuel ethanol produced from qualified biomass to be eligible for certain fuel ethanol production subsidies
LR: 3289S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee
- SB 841 - Stouffer - Modifies law with respect to certain motor vehicle weight regulations
LR: 3510L.03C HCS SB 841
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Transportation Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- Reported Do Pass H Transportation Committee - Consent
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- SB 846 - Rupp - Modifies the A+ Schools Program and the Kids' Chance Scholarship Program
LR: 3520S.04P SS SCS SB 846
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 1 to SCS S offered & adopted (Graham)--(3520S02.07S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 to SCS S offered (Graham)--(3520S02.08S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SSA 1 for SA 2 to SCS S offered & withdrawn (Rupp)--(3520S02.01F)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 to SCS S withdrawn
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 858 - Rupp - Modifies the law relating to illegal immigrants
LR: 3595L.14C HCS#2 SS SCS SBs 858, et al
- 4/1/2008 -- SS for SCS S offered (Rupp)--(3595S.09F)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Green)--(3595S09.03S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Koster)--(3595S09.11S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Smith)--(3595S09.07S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- Perfected
- 4/1/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 863 - Rupp - Allows married taxpayers filing joint returns to deduct a portion of contributions to the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program from income and provides similar tax treatment for other qualified tuition savings programs
LR: 3514L.02T HCS SB 863
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 873 - Graham - Provides for a voting student curator on the University of Missouri board of curators if Missouri loses a congressional district based on the 2010 census
LR: 3851S.04T SCS SB 873
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- Perfected
- 4/1/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- SB 877 - Mayer - Establishes the Missouri Catastrophe Fund to help protect property and casualty insurers against insolvencies caused by earthquakes
LR: 3833S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations Committee
- SB 918 - Goodman - Prohibits certain requirements for immunosuppresive drugs under the MO HealthNet Program without the consent of the physician and patient
LR: 4181S.02I
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee (4181S.03C)
- SB 930 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles
LR: 4251S.10T CCS HCS SCS SBs 930 & 947
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS S adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- Perfected
- 4/1/2008 -- Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- SB 936 - Griesheimer - Allow motorists to operate vehicles without current registrations for the purpose of resetting emissions readiness monitors in order to pass emissions inspection retests
LR: 4362S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Scheduled H Transportation Committee--Bill NOT Heard
- SB 956 - Kennedy - Modifies provisions relating to public water supply districts
LR: 3441S.02T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 958 - Goodman - Allows rural electric cooperatives to manage vegetation within specified areas to ensure reliable service
LR: 3859L.03T HCS SB 958
- 4/1/2008 -- Referred H Special Committee on Utilities Committee
- SB 967 - Mayer - Allows Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority to originate federally guaranteed student loans under certain conditions.
LR: 4258S.02T SCS SB 967
- 4/1/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read (w/EC)
- SB 970 - Scott - Amends requirements for filing financial interest statements
LR: 4443S.01P
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Elections Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Elections Committee
- SB 978 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions relating to boards overseeing emergency services
LR: 4474L.03C HCS SB 978
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Scheduled H Elections Committee--Bill NOT Heard
- SB 979 - Vogel - Terminates eligibility for surviving spouse of public safety officer income tax credit upon remarriage
LR: 4348S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 980 - Ridgeway - Modifies provisions regarding supplemental and disability retirement benefits for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees
LR: 4515S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1000 - Justus - Establishes educational rights for foster care students and requires a full school day of education for certain children
LR: 3989S.05I
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1007 - Loudon - Modifies minimum wage and overtime laws
LR: 4119S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 1 S offered & defeated (Loudon)--(4119S01.01S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 S offered (Green)--(4119S01.06S)
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1016 - Mayer - Provides that a portion of the tort victims' compensation fund shall be transferred to the basic civil legal services fund
LR: 4388S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1021 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery
LR: 4656S.09P SS#2 SCS SBs 1021 & 870
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1033 - Griesheimer - Prohibits water or sewer line easements from being considered transfers of title of real property to counties and other political subdivisions
LR: 4734L.03T HCS SCS SB 1033
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1040 - Clemens - Modifies requirements relating to the issuance of grants and loans by the Department of Natural Resources for storm water control
LR: 4435S.04T SCS SB 1040
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1044 - Stouffer - Modifies provisions regarding minimum ambulance staffing for ambulances staffed with volunteers
LR: 4796S.04T SCS SB 1044
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1052 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to the allocation and use of gaming revenues
LR: 4750S.02I
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1054 - Dempsey - Modifies provisions relating to juvenile courts and juvenile court jurisdiction
LR: 4702S.04C SCS SB 1054
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1067 - Ridgeway - Exempts persons 21 years of age or older from wearing protective headgear except when operating or riding motorcycles upon interstate highways
LR: 4818S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1073 - Dempsey - Creates a state and local sales and use tax exemption for defense articles sold to foreign governments
LR: 4898S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1081 - Nodler - Modifies provisions regarding quality assurance and safety in the Division of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Community Programs
LR: 4634L.06T HCS SCS SB 1081
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1089 - Justus - Allows the City of Grandview to impose a transient guest tax
LR: 4970S.02P SCS SB 1089
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1094 - Loudon - Prescribes requirements for the interchange of anti-epileptic drugs
LR: 4643S.03C SCS SB 1094
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1099 - Graham - Designates a portion of Missouri Route WW in Boone County as "Carl Edwards Drive"
LR: 4286S.02P
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1106 - Scott - Modifies provisions relating to child abuse investigations
LR: 4641S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Cancelled S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee
- SB 1107 - Scott - Modifies various provisions relating to the Water Patrol and watercraft regulations
LR: 4840S.06P SCS SB 1107
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 1 to SCS S offered & adopted (Engler)--(4840S06.06S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 to SCS S offered (Shields)--(4848S06.01S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 1 to SA 2 to SCS S offered & adopted (Bartle)--(4848S06.10S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 2 to SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 3 to SCS S offered & adopted (Purgason)--(4840S06.09S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 4 to SCS S offered & defeated (Green)--(4840S06.12S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SA 5 to SCS S offered & adopted (Loudon)--(4840S06.11S)
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 4/1/2008 -- Perfected
- SB 1122 - Ridgeway - Mandates insurance coverage for the treatment of autism and requires the offering of group insurance coverage for prosthetic devices
LR: 5022S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations Committee
- SB 1131 - Wilson - Excludes tax revenues, derived from certain transportation sales taxes imposed by the City of Kansas City, from tax increment finance economic activity taxes used to pay redevelopment costs
LR: 5023L.07T HCS SCS SB 1131
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1135 - Callahan - Changes the law regarding street grading in cities with over 300,000 inhabitants
LR: 5140L.02C HCS SB 1135
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1138 - McKenna - Requires Occupational Safety and Health Administration training for employees on public works projects
LR: 4802S.04C SCS SB 1138
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1140 - Vogel - Modifies the law relating to the Office of Administration
LR: 5114L.02T HCS SB 1140
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read (w/EC)
- SB 1141 - Vogel - Modifies provisions governing the transition periods for statewide elected officials
LR: 5113S.01P
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1149 - Engler - Creates a procedure for when there is a lack of candidates for a fire protection district board of directors election
LR: 5168S.01P
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1151 - Barnitz - Restricts corporate name reservation
LR: 5104S.01P
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1164 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments to dependents
LR: 4684S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations Committee
- SB 1169 - Champion - Establishes a school-based influenza vaccination pilot program
LR: 5189S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee (5189S.03C)
- SB 1173 - Stouffer - Provides for transfer of long-term care beds to certain new health care facilities
LR: 5217S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- SCS Voted Do Pass S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee (5217S.03C)
- SB 1175 - Goodman - Modifies various provisions of law relating to the Missouri Housing Development Commission
LR: 5270L.02C HCS SB 1175
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1177 - Barnitz - Designates licensed professional counselors as mental health professionals in certain circumstances
LR: 5008S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1178 - Barnitz - Modifies property posting provisions
LR: 5299S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Agriculture, Conservation, Parks & Natural Resources Committee
- SB 1187 - Purgason - Removes the ninety-nine member cap on the Water Patrol membership
LR: 5268S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1188 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the qualified research expense tax credit program
LR: 5309S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1190 - Nodler - Authorizes the division of professional registration to reduce licensure fees by emergency rule under certain circumstances
LR: 4993S.02T
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SB 1205 - Goodman - Creates a sales and use tax exemption for utilities, machinery and equipment purchased by certain businesses
LR: 5269S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1220 - Lager - Modifies provisions of various state tax credit programs
LR: 5170S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1234 - Shields - Modifies provisions of the enhanced enterprise tax benefit program
LR: 5349S.05C SCS SBs 1234 & 1270
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- SB 1258 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to protections for senior citizens, disabled persons, and children
LR: 5322S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee
- SB 1275 - Vogel - Allows the Director of Revenue to require certain tax returns be filed electronically
LR: 5382S.01I
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- SB 1283 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Health Transformation Act
LR: 5271L.10C HCS SS SCS SB 1283
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Health and Mental Health Committee
- SB 1288 - Shields - Modifies lobbyist reporting requirements
LR: 5405L.04C HCS SB 1288
- 4/1/2008 -- H First Read
- SJR 45 - Clemens - Modifies requirements relating to the issuance of grants and loans by the Department of Natural Resources for storm water control
LR: 4436S.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 1619 - Jones - Modifies provisions relating to drug monitoring
LR: 3897S.05C SCS HCS HB 1619
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Seniors, Families and Public Health Committee
- HB 1628 - Cooper - Exempts historical vehicles powered by liquid petroleum or natural gas from the alternative fuel decal requirement and tax
LR: 4075L.01T
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- HB 1661 - LeVota - Requires property taxes paid by certain nonresident taxpayers to be added-back to adjusted gross income
LR: 3325L.02P
- 4/1/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Ways & Means Committee
- HB 1670 - Cooper - Removes the requirement for certification by the Department of Natural Resources before a sales and use tax exemption applies to the purchase or lease of certain items used to monitor water and air pollution
LR: 3961L.02T
- 4/1/2008 -- Hearing Conducted S Ways & Means Committee
- HB 2007 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses and distributions of the Departments of Economic Development; Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; and Labor and Industrial
LR: 3007L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2007
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2008 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Public Safety
LR: 3008L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2008
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2009 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Corrections
LR: 3009L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2009
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2010 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of the Department of Mental Health, Board of Public Buildings, and Department of Health and Senior Services
LR: 3010L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2010
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2011 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, and distributions of the Department of Social Services
LR: 3011L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2011
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2012 - Icet - Appropriates money for the expenses, grants, refunds, and distributions of statewide elected officials, the Judiciary, Office of the State Public Defender, and General Assembly
LR: 3012L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2012
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2013 - Icet - Appropriates money for real property leases and related services
LR: 3013L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2013
- 4/1/2008 -- Second Read and Referred S Appropriations Committee
- HB 2014 - Icet - Appropriates money for supplemental purposes for several departments, offices of state government,for purchase of equipment,payment of various claims for refunds,for persons,firms,and corporations
LR: 3014L.04T CCS SCS HCS HB 2014
- 4/1/2008 -- H refuses to adopt SCS
- 4/1/2008 -- H requests S recede or grant conference
- 4/1/2008 -- S refuses to recede and grants conference
- 4/1/2008 -- H conferees appointed: Icet, Robb, Stevenson, Storch, Curls
- 4/1/2008 -- S conferees appointed: Nodler, Mayer, Purgason, Bray, Green
- HJR 43 - Portwood - Requires rollbacks of current levies due to increases in assessed value
LR: 3299S.04C SCS HCS HJR 43
- 4/1/2008 -- S First Read--HCS for HJR 43