- SB 711 - Gibbons - Modifies provisions regarding property taxation
LR: 3297S.21Z CCS HCS SS SCS SB 711
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 2 to HCS H offered & adopted (Flook)--(3297L18.24H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 3 to HCS H offered (St. Onge)--(3297L18.03L)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 1 to HA 3 to HCS H offered & adopted (Portwood)--(3297L18.40H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HSA 1 for HA 3 to HCS, as amended H offered & Ruled out of order (Zweifel)--(3297L18.12H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 3 to HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 4 to HCS H offered & adopted (Kingery)--(3297L18.06H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 5 to HCS H offered & adopted (Robb)--(3297L18.02L)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 6 to HCS H offered (Stevenson)--(3297L18.31H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 1 to HA 6 to HCS H offered & withdrawn (Brown)--(3297L18.41H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 2 to HA 6 to HCS H offered & adopted (Talboy)--(3297L18.07F)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 3 to HA 6 to HCS H offered & withdrawn (Brown)--(3297L18.43H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 6 to HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- H Third Read and Passed
- 5/13/2008 -- S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended
- 5/13/2008 -- S requests H recede or grant conference
- 5/13/2008 -- H refuses to recede and grants conference
- 5/13/2008 -- S conferees appointed: Gibbons, Vogel, Griesheimer, Kennedy, Callahan
- SB 720 - Coleman - Modifies provisions relating to utilities
LR: 3054S.07T CCS#2 HCS SCS SB 720
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 5 to HCS H offered (Cooper-120)--(3054L03.13H)
- 5/13/2008 -- Part I of HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- Part II of HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- Part III of HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- Part IV of HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- H Third Read and Passed
- 5/13/2008 -- S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended
- 5/13/2008 -- S requests H recede or grant conference
- SB 817 - Goodman - Modifies provisions relating to anatomic pathology services and vision services
LR: 3320L.07C HCS SS SB 817
- 5/13/2008 -- Rules - Hearing Conducted
- 5/13/2008 -- Rules - Voted Do Pass
- 5/13/2008 -- Rules - Reported Do Pass
- SB 865 - Rupp - Prohibits life insurers from taking underwriting actions or charging different rates based upon a person's past or future lawful travel destinations unless such action is based upon sound actuarial principles
LR: 3277S.04P SCS SB 865
- 5/13/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Special Committee on Financial Institutions Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Financial Institutions Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Financial Institutions Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- SB 901 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments to dependents
LR: 3608S.02P SCS SB 901
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 1 H offered (Fischer)--(3608S02.01F)
- 5/13/2008 -- HSA 1 for HA 1 H offered & adopted (Hunter)--(3608S02.01H)
- 5/13/2008 -- H Third Read and Passed, as amended - EC defeated
- 5/13/2008 -- S refuses to concur in HSA 1 for HA 1
- 5/13/2008 -- S requests H recede from its position on HSA 1 for HA 1 and take up and pass bill
- SB 930 - Stouffer - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles
LR: 4251S.10T CCS HCS SCS SBs 930 & 947
- 5/13/2008 -- S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended
- 5/13/2008 -- S requests H recede or grant conference
- SB 932 - Loudon - Modifies provisions relating to law enforcement
LR: 3601L.03T HCS SB 932
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 1 to HCS H offered & adopted (Pratt)--(3601L03.02S)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 2 to HCS H offered & Ruled out of order (Harris)--(3601L03.01L)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 3 to HCS H offered & Ruled out of order (Portwood)--(3601L03.01F)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 4 to HCS H offered & Ruled out of order (Hughes)--(3601L03.01H)
- 5/13/2008 -- HCS, as amended, H adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- H Third Read and Passed
- SB 1021 - Loudon - Changes the laws regarding midwives and the practice of midwifery
LR: 4656S.09P SS#2 SCS SBs 1021 & 870
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- SB 1209 - Callahan - Modifies provisions of law relating to taxes and fees
LR: 5303L.05C HCS SCS SB 1209
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 1 to HCS H offered & adopted (Sutherland)--(5303L05.14L)
- 5/13/2008 -- HA 2 to HCS H offered (Sutherland)--(5303L05.15L)
- 5/13/2008 -- Placed on Calendar
- SB 1283 - Dempsey - Creates the Missouri Health Transformation Act
LR: 5271L.10C HCS SS SCS SB 1283
- 5/13/2008 -- HCS Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Health Care Transformation Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- SB 1288 - Shields - Modifies lobbyist reporting requirements
LR: 5405L.04C HCS SB 1288
- 5/13/2008 -- S refuses to concur in HCS, as amended
- 5/13/2008 -- S requests H recede or grant conference
- SCR 31 - Barnitz - Expresses support for the Chamois ferryboat project and urges various agencies to assist in securing moneys for the location and construction of the ferryboat
LR: 5027S.01I
- 5/13/2008 -- H adopted
- SCR 35 - Shoemyer - Urges the U.S. Congress to support the continuation of horse processing in the United States
LR: 5310S.01I
- 5/13/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Agriculture Policy Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Agriculture Policy Committee
- SCR 39 - Shields - Request the withdrawal of proposed federal rules relating to Direct Graduate Medical Education Funds
LR: 5485S.03C SCS SCR 39
- 5/13/2008 -- Hearing Conducted H Special Committee on Student Achievement Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass H Special Committee on Student Achievement Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported Do Pass H Special Committee on Student Achievement Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(21)(f)
- HB 1320 - Brown - Allows community improvement districts, which are political subdivisions, to sponsor and operate a polytechnic institute for science and technology within the city or county that authorized the district
LR: 3152L.01P
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Economic Development, Tourism & Local Government Committee to Floor
- HB 1321 - Sutherland - Modifies provisions of law relating to property taxes
LR: 3243S.07C SCS HCS HBs 1321 & 1695
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 1332 - Sater - Establishes provisions regarding pharmacy audits
LR: 3027S.06C SCS HCS HB 1332
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Health and Mental Health Committee to Floor w/SCS
- HB 1341 - Ruestman - Requires owners of for-profit swimming pools to maintain adequate liability insurance in the event of injury or death of a patron
LR: 3266L.06T HCS HB 1341
- 5/13/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed - EC adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed (w/EC)
- HB 1549 - Onder - Modifies the law relating to illegal immigrants
LR: 3681S.12T CCS SS HCS HB 1549, 1771, 1395 & 2366
- 5/13/2008 -- SS S offered (Rupp)--(3681S.10F)
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 1 to SS S offered & defeated (Smith)--(3681S10.03S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 2 to SS S offered & defeated (Wilson)--(3681S10.11S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 3 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Bray)--(3681S10.14S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 4 to SS S offered & adopted (Smith)--(3681S10.21S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 5 to SS S offered & adopted (Smith)--(3681S10.02S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 6 to SS S offered & adopted (Rupp)--(3681S10.17S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 7 to SS S offered & adopted (Rupp)--(3681S10.24S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 8 to SS S offered & adopted (Rupp)--(3681S10.22S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 9 to SS S offered & adopted (Green)--(3681S10.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 10 to SS S offered (Bray)--(3681S10.23S)
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 5/13/2008 -- SSA 1 for SA 10 to SS S offered & adopted (Ridgeway)--(3681S10.26S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 11 to SS S offered & adopted (Graham)--(3681S10.01F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 12 to SS S offered & defeated (Days)--(3681S10.06S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 13 to SS S offered & defeated (Kennedy)--(3681S10.20S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 14 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Kennedy)--(3681S10.18S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 15 to SS S offered & defeated (Justus)--(3681S10.25S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 16 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Justus)--(3681S10.04S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 17 to SS S offered & adopted (Justus)--(3681S10.31S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 18 to SS S offered & defeated (Kennedy)--(3681S10.29S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 19 to SS S offered & adopted (Bray)--(3681S10.07S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 20 to SS S offered & adopted (Bray)--(3681S10.28S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 21 to SS S offered & withdrawn (Bray)--(3681S10.30S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 22 to SS S offered & defeated (Coleman)--(3681S10.16S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SS, as amended, S adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- Referred S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- HB 1595 - Swinger - Creates a tax credit for the construction of storm shelters
LR: 3586L.02P HCS HB 1595 & 1668
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 1700 - Wasson - Modifies the law relating to professional licensing and registration
LR: 4262S.05C SCS HCS HB 1700
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- HB 1788 - Day - Authorizes an income tax deduction from a taxpayer's Missouri adjusted gross income for 100% of any military retirement income, regardless of age or income
LR: 4249L.04P HCS HB 1788 & 1882
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- HB 1831 - Onder - Enacts provisions regarding the coercion of abortions
LR: 4449L.06P HCS HB 1831 & 1472
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- HB 1832 - Cooper - Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
LR: 4220S.03C SCS HB 1832
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 2058 - Pearce - Provides tax incentives for business development
LR: 4495S.16T SS SCS HCS HB 2058
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 5/13/2008 -- SS for SCS S offered (Kennedy)--(4495S.16F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Scott)--(4495S16.05S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Stouffer)--(8263S08.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & withdrawn (Shoemyer)--(4495S16.04S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Griesheimer)--(4495S16.02S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 5 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Lager)--(4495S16.01F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 6 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Lager)--(8274S08.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 7 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Clemens)--(8267S08.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 8 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Loudon)--(4495S16.10S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 9 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Shoemyer)--(4495S16.09S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 10 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Koster)--(4495S16.07S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 11 to SS for SCS S offered & Ruled out of order (Goodman)--(4495S16.04S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- S Third Read and Passed
- HB 2062 - Pearce - Modifies various provisions of law relating to the provision of benefits to certain public employees, including members of the military and their families
LR: 4411S.06C SCS HCS HB 2062 & 1518
- 5/13/2008 -- Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- HB 2081 - Dougherty - Modifies the definition of "practice of embalming"
LR: 4865S.02C SCS HB 2081
- 5/13/2008 -- SS for SCS S offered (Callahan)--(4865S.04F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered (Scott)--(4865S04.02S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 1 to SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Crowell)--(4865S04.04S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 1 to SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Callahan)--(4865S04.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Green)--(8256S08.01S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Loudon)--(4865S04.01F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 5 to SS for SCS S offered (Barnitz)--(4865S04.09S)
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 5 to SS for SCS S withdrawn
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 6 to SS for SCS S offered & defeated (Purgason)--(4865S04.02F)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 7 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Dempsey)--(4865S04.12S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 8 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Dempsey)--(4865S04.10S)
- 5/13/2008 -- SA 9 to SS for SCS S offered (Purgason)--(8245S08.06S)
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 2191 - Nasheed - Modifies provisions relating to higher education scholarships
LR: 5133S.04T SS SCS HB 2191
- 5/13/2008 -- Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor
- 5/13/2008 -- Bill Placed on Informal Calendar
- HB 2224 - Jones - Modifies various provisions relating to law enforcement
LR: 4606L.08T CCS SCS HB 2224
- 5/13/2008 -- H submits CCR
- HB 2279 - Wright - Modifies provisions relating to utilities
LR: 5192S.11C SCS HCS HB 2279
- 5/13/2008 -- H conferees appointed: Wright, Schoeller, Emery, Walsh, Skaggs