
HCS/HB 2393 - This act creates a new type of program under the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Tax Benefit Act known as mega-projects. A taxpayer who establishes a mega-project within an enhanced enterprise zone will be allowed an income tax credit equal to a percentage of the taxpayer's new annual payroll for employees located at the project. In order to be approved as a mega-project, the new capitol investment must be projected to exceed three hundred million dollars and the project must be projected to create at least one thousand new jobs over a period of eight years. The new jobs created must have an average wage in excess of the county average wage and the taxpayer must offer health insurance to all new jobs and pay at least eighty percent of the premiums for such insurance. The taxpayer must provide an acceptable plan for repayment of tax credits received. Prior to final approval of a mega-project, the department and the taxpayer must enter into a binding contract which: sets out the taxpayer's repayment plan; obligates the taxpayer to construct the facility; and provides specific internal rates of return.

The Department of Economic Development is prohibited from approving any mega-projects after December 31, 2008, and from issuing any tax credits prior to July 1, 2010. The Department of Economic Development is prohibited from issuing more than forty million dollars in tax credits for all mega-projects annually. A taxpayer who receives approval for a mega-project may receive tax credits for up to twenty-two years to be used to offset income tax liabilities. No taxpayer may receive more than forty million dollars in mega-project tax credits annually. Any taxpayer who receives mega-project tax credits must provide an annual report to the Department of Economic Development containing the number of new jobs at the project site and the new annual payroll. A taxpayer who has been approved for issuance of mega-project tax credits will not receive tax credits in any year in which such taxpayer fails to meet eligibility requirements.

For the first five years following approval by the department, taxpayers who receive mega-project tax credits are prohibited from directly employing certain publically elected officials of this state, certain employees of the Department of Economic Development, and certain relatives of such officials and employees. After the expiration of the five year prohibition on employment of certain individuals, the taxpayer must annually report any such individuals employed by the taxpayer.

The true value in money for assessment purposes of any possessor interest in real property located on or within the ultimate airport boundary shown by a federal airport layout plan of the Kansas City International Airport will be the true value in money of the possessor interest in the real property less the total costs paid toward any new construction or improvements completed on the property after January 1, 2008, if included in the possessor interest, unless paid by the political subdivision, regardless of the year the costs were incurred.


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