Bills assigned to Small Business, Insurance & Industrial Relations


SB 742 - Bray - Requires equal pay for the same work regardless of gender and establishes a commission to study wage disparities
SB 746 - Days - Mandates health insurance coverage for morbid obesity
SB 773 - Shoemyer - Regulates insurance agents selling Medicare Advantage plans
SB 775 - Shoemyer - Prohibits automobile insurers from requiring the use of specific repair shops and imposes certain conditions on physical damage appraisers
SB 782 - Loudon - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages
SB 783 - Loudon - Creates the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact
SB 789 - Griesheimer - Requires insurance companies to provide coverage for computerized prosthetic devices
SB 865 - Rupp - Prohibits life insurers from taking underwriting actions or charging different rates based upon a person's past or future lawful travel destinations unless such action is based upon sound actuarial principles
SB 868 - Shoemyer - Makes it an unfair practice for an insurance company not to follow all components of a repair manual when appraising a damaged vehicle
SB 877 - Mayer - Establishes the Missouri Catastrophe Fund to help protect property and casualty insurers against insolvencies caused by earthquakes
SB 901 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments to dependents
SB 902 - Loudon - Prohibits persons from selling vehicle protection products in Missouri unless certain conditions are met
SB 929 - Green - Bars employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors
SB 966 - Dempsey - Provides additional workers' compensation benefits for public safety workers killed in the line of duty
SB 973 - Engler - Regulates insurance agents selling Medicare Advantage plans
SB 986 - Shoemyer - Requires motor vehicle physical damage appraisers to give consumers written estimates for labor and parts for motor vehicle repairs
SB 996 - Crowell - Allows certain health insurance pool members to transfer any current or unused accumulated credits or offsets to their affiliates.
SB 1007 - Loudon - Modifies minimum wage and overtime laws
SB 1008 - Loudon - Modifies various provisions relating to health insurance and automobile insurance
SB 1029 - Rupp - Establishes the Market Conduct Surveillance Act
SB 1030 - Rupp - Repeals certain provisions dealing with employee health and welfare
SB 1055 - Goodman - Reinstates the Motorist Insurance Identification Database program which expired on June 30, 2007
SB 1077 - Goodman - Modifies law that limit indemnity agreements in construction work contracts
SB 1090 - Bray - Modifies law regarding residential property insurance
SB 1091 - Bray - Requires railroads to provide counseling services or other critical incident stress debriefing services to railroad employees involved in serious accidents
SB 1093 - Loudon - Creates licensure requirements for electrical contractors
SB 1098 - Bray - Subjects 383 malpractice associations to stricter insurance regulations
SB 1110 - Clemens - Prevents the disclosure of unemployment records
SB 1112 - Clemens - Modifies provisions relating to unemployment compensation
SB 1115 - Bray - Creates a collective bargaining process for public employees
SB 1121 - Loudon - Eliminates the requirement that product liability insurance companies report claims that do not result in payment on the insured's behalf
SB 1122 - Ridgeway - Mandates insurance coverage for the treatment of autism and requires the offering of group insurance coverage for prosthetic devices
SB 1138 - McKenna - Requires Occupational Safety and Health Administration training for employees on public works projects
SB 1164 - Loudon - Modifies workers' compensation payments to dependents
SB 1168 - Dempsey - Revises the formula for computing a refund for credit insurance
SB 1222 - Engler - Requires construction employees to take drug tests before working on projects on school and state property
SB 1241 - Nodler - Modifies workers' compensation payments to dependents
HB 1341 - Ruestman - Requires owners of for-profit swimming pools to maintain adequate liability insurance in the event of injury or death of a patron
HB 1883 - Nance - Modifies various laws relating to employment
HB 1893 - Scharnhorst - Changes the requirements for premium refund calculations on credit insurance
HB 2041 - Fisher - Modifies provisions relating to unemployment compensation