Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator McKenna

SB 782 - Reinstates federal standards for overtime wages
SB 935 - Creates the "Deputy Sheriff Salary Supplementation Fund", consisting of money generated by a $10 fee collected for serving civil summons and subpoena
SB 946 - Creates the Tobacco Use Prevention, Cessation and Enforcement fund to fund a comprehensive tobacco control program
SB 1019 - Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 1062 - Modifies requirements for corporate filings
SB 1091 - Requires railroads to provide counseling services or other critical incident stress debriefing services to railroad employees involved in serious accidents
SB 1217 - Submits to the voters a one-cent sales tax proposal to assist in the reconstruction, rebuilding, construction, and conversion of Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system
SB 1277 - Allows electric and gas corporations to recover expenses for approved energy efficiency investments
SJR 48 - Institutes a one percent sales and use tax for the purpose of converting Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system

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