Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Gibbons

SB 711 - Modifies provisions regarding property taxation
SB 712 - Allows consumers to place security freezes on their credit reports and creates requirements for merchandise rebates
SB 713 - Grants civil immunity to certain education personnel under certain conditions
SB 1103 - Modifies provisions regarding the Family Care Safety Registry
SB 1159 - Modifies provisions relating to forensic examinations of sexual offense victims
SB 1185 - Modifies various provisions relating to prosecutors
SCR 37 - Encourages the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to not implement a spring rise on the Missouri River
SR 1472 - Notice of Proposed Rule Change
HB 1321 - Modifies provisions of law relating to property taxes
HB 1384 - Modifies certain provisions relating to protection of consumers against fraudulent practices
HJR 43 - Requires rollbacks of current levies due to increases in assessed value

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