Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Stouffer

SB 759 - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after a certain date to be a biodiesel-blended fuel
SB 760 - Authorizes the State Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005
SB 761 - Modifies various laws relating to transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles
SB 809 - Imposes various billboard standards to billboards adjacent to Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 during period of interstate construction
SB 810 - Requires all diesel fuel sold at retail in Missouri after April 1, 2010 to be biodiesel-blended fuel
SB 811 - Creates a tax credit for the use of idle reduction technology
SB 841 - Modifies law with respect to certain motor vehicle weight regulations
SB 872 - Provides that certain billboards erected prior to August 28, 2002, but which fail to comply with new legal standards on that date shall be considered as legal conforming out of standard signs under Missouri law
SB 896 - Modifies the methods in which certain special road districts may form, expand or dissolve within fourth class counties
SB 930 - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of transportation and the regulation of motor vehicles
SB 939 - Modifies various provisions relating to levee and drainage districts
SB 963 - Requires law enforcement agencies to establish rotation lists of towing truck companies to be called for removing disabled vehicles
SB 972 - Adds comprehensive day rehabilitation services under MO HealthNet
SB 1044 - Modifies provisions regarding minimum ambulance staffing for ambulances staffed with volunteers
SB 1130 - Expands types of projects that may be completed under Public-Private Transportation Act and creates various tax incentives for their completion
SB 1167 - Modifies various provisions of law relating to members of the military and their families
SB 1173 - Provides for transfer of long-term care beds to certain new health care facilities
SB 1217 - Submits to the voters a one-cent sales tax proposal to assist in the reconstruction, rebuilding, construction, and conversion of Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system
SB 1274 - Creates a tax credit for contributions to mentally retarded and developmental type disability care providers
SJR 48 - Institutes a one percent sales and use tax for the purpose of converting Interstate 70 and Interstate 44 into an eight-lane interstate system
HB 1422 - Authorizes the State Highways and Transportation Commission to take the necessary steps to implement and administer a state plan to conform with the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005
HB 1656 - Modifies provisions regarding long-term care facilities
HB 1678 - Modifies various laws relating to members of the military and their families
HB 2036 - Repeals the formula distribution requirements for additional funding for certain services for the elderly
HB 2062 - Modifies various provisions of law relating to the provision of benefits to certain public employees, including members of the military and their families
HCR 16 - Urges the United States Congress to immediately repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision of the Social Security Act

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