HB 154 Modifies provisions relating to placement of children
12/22/2008 Prefiled (H)
1/7/2009 Read First Time (H) H32
1/8/2009 Read Second Time (H) H41
1/29/2009 Referred: Senior Citizen Advocacy (H) H195
2/4/2009 Public Hearing Completed (H)
2/18/2009 Executive Session Completed (H)
2/18/2009 HCS Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
2/23/2009 HCS Reported Do Pass by Consent (H) H370
2/23/2009 Referred: Rules - Pursuant to Rule 25(32)(f) (H) H370
3/3/2009 Rules - Executive Session Completed (H)
3/3/2009 Rules - Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
3/3/2009 Rules - Reported Do Pass Consent (H) H449
3/10/2009 Perfected by Consent (H) H538
3/12/2009 Third Read and Passed (H) H579 / S628
3/12/2009 S First Read--HCS for HB 154 S628-629
3/26/2009 Second Read and Referred S General Laws Committee S781
4/7/2009 Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee
4/14/2009 Voted Do Pass S General Laws Committee - Consent
4/14/2009 Reported from S General Laws Committee to Floor - Consent S1005
4/15/2009 Removed S Consent Calendar S1037
4/16/2009 Reported from S General Laws Committee to Floor S1052
4/21/2009 SS S offered (Shields)--(0778S.05F) S1108
4/21/2009 SA 1 to SS S offered & adopted (Barnitz)--(0778S05.04S) S1108
4/21/2009 SA 2 to SS S offered & adopted (Justus)--(8225S09.01S) S1108-1110
4/21/2009 SA 3 to SS S offered & adopted (Justus)--(0778S05.01S) S1110-1111
4/21/2009 SA 4 to SS S offered & adopted (Days)--(0778S05.03S) S1111-1116
4/21/2009 SA 5 to SS S offered & adopted (Bray)--(0778S05.08S) S1116-1117
4/21/2009 SA 6 to SS S offered & adopted (Barnitz)--(0778S05.05S) S1117-1119
4/21/2009 SS, as amended, S adopted S1119
4/21/2009 Referred S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee S1119
4/30/2009 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
4/30/2009 Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor S1355
5/4/2009 S Third Read and Passed S1385 / H1468-1476
5/5/2009 H refuses to concur in SS, as amended H1512 / S1404
5/5/2009 H requests S recede or grant conference H1512 / S1404
5/5/2009 S refuses to recede and grants conference S1410 / H1566
5/5/2009 H conferees appointed: Ruestman, Emery, Nance, Meiners, Yaeger H1570 / S1427
5/5/2009 S conferees appointed: Shields, Stouffer, Griesheimer, Wilson, Wright-Jones S1427 / H1611
5/7/2009 H submits CCR/CCS (0778L.07C) H1714
5/11/2009 H submits CCR#2/CCS#2 (0778L.08C) H1752-1753
5/13/2009 CCR#2 H adopted H1987-1988 / S1802
5/13/2009 CCS#2 H Third Read and Passed H1988-1989 / S1802
5/13/2009 CCR#2 S offered & adopted S1850-1851 / H2065
5/13/2009 CCS#2 S Third Read and Passed S1851-1852 / H2065
5/13/2009 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1851-1852 / H2065
5/29/2009 Signed by House Speaker H2241
5/29/2009 Signed by Senate President S2009
5/29/2009 Delivered to Governor H2242
7/8/2009 Signed by Governor
