HB 177 Gives the judge presiding in certain sexual offense cases discretion to disclose information regarding the defendant, which could be used to identify the victim, to avoid protecting the defendant's identity
12/23/2008 Prefiled (H)
1/7/2009 Read First Time (H) H33
1/8/2009 Read Second Time (H) H41
1/29/2009 Referred: Judiciary (H) H195
2/25/2009 Public Hearing Completed (H)
3/9/2009 Executive Session Completed (H)
3/9/2009 HCS Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
3/10/2009 HCS Reported Do Pass by Consent (H) H535
3/10/2009 Referred: Rules - Pursuant to Rule 25(32)(f) (H) H535
3/24/2009 Rules - Executive Session Completed (H)
3/24/2009 Rules - Voted Do Pass - Consent (H)
3/24/2009 Rules - Reported Do Pass Consent (H) H636
3/31/2009 Perfected by Consent (H) H820
4/1/2009 Third Read and Passed (H) H867-868 / S868
4/1/2009 S First Read--HCS for HB 177 S868
4/2/2009 Second Read and Referred S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee S891
4/14/2009 Hearing Conducted S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee
4/14/2009 SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/HCS/HB 177 & HCS/HB 622) S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee (0599S.05C) - Consent
4/15/2009 Reported from S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to Floor w/SCS - Consent S1022
4/20/2009 Removed S Consent Calendar S1069
4/23/2009 Reported from S Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Committee to Floor w/SCS S1191
4/27/2009 SCS S adopted S1208-1209
4/27/2009 S Third Read and Passed S1209 / H1288
5/5/2009 H concurs in SCS H1570-1571 / S1426
5/5/2009 H Third Read & Passed H1571-1572 / S1426
5/5/2009 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed H1571-1572 / S1426
5/29/2009 Signed by House Speaker H2241
5/29/2009 Signed by Senate President S2009
5/29/2009 Delivered to Governor H2242
7/7/2009 Signed by Governor
