HB 577 Modifies various provisions relating to the regulations of insurance
2/3/2009 Introduced and Read First Time (H) H217
2/4/2009 Read Second Time (H) H222
2/19/2009 Referred: Insurance Policy (H) H356
2/25/2009 Public Hearing Completed (H)
3/4/2009 Executive Session Completed (H)
3/4/2009 HCS Voted Do Pass (H)
3/5/2009 HCS Reported Do Pass (H) H487
3/5/2009 Referred: Rules - Pursuant to Rule 25(32)(f) (H) H487
4/2/2009 Rules - Executive Session Completed (H)
4/2/2009 Rules - Voted Do Pass (H)
4/2/2009 Rules - Reported Do Pass (H) H925
4/21/2009 HCS Adopted (H) H1173
4/21/2009 Perfected (H) H1173
4/23/2009 Third Read and Passed (H) H1236-1237 / S1194
4/23/2009 S First Read--HCS for HB 577 S1194
4/27/2009 Second Read and Referred S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee S1219
4/28/2009 Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee
4/30/2009 SCS Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee (1575S.06C)
4/30/2009 Reported from S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee to Floor w/SCS S1355
5/5/2009 SS for SCS S offered (Rupp)--(1575S.07F) S1414-1415
5/5/2009 SA 1 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Scott)--(1575S07.01S) S1415-1416
5/5/2009 SA 2 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Lembke)--(1575S06.01S) S1416-1418
5/5/2009 SA 3 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Goodman)--(1575S07.04S) S1418-1420
5/5/2009 SA 4 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Lembke) S1420
5/5/2009 SA 5 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Goodman)--(1575S07.02S) S1420-1421
5/5/2009 SA 6 ro SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Scott)--(1575S07.07S) S1421
5/5/2009 SA 7 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Schmitt)--(1575S07.06S) S1421-1423
5/5/2009 SA 8 to SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Dempsey)--(1575S07.08S) S1423-1425
5/5/2009 SS for SCS, as amended, S adopted S1425
5/5/2009 Referred S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee S1425
5/11/2009 Hearing Scheduled But Not Heard S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
5/13/2009 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee
5/13/2009 Reported from S Governmental Accountability & Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor S1764
5/13/2009 S Third Read and Passed S1765 / H1991-1998
5/13/2009 H refuses to concur in SS for SCS, as amended H2001 / S1803
5/13/2009 H requests S recede or grant conference H2001 / S1803
5/13/2009 S refuses to recede and grants conference S1805 / H2038
5/13/2009 H conferees appointed: Yates, Nance, Wilson-130, Talboy, Schupp H2042 / S1848
5/13/2009 S conferees appointed: Rupp, Goodman, Dempsey, Shoemyer, Callahan S1854 / H2065
5/14/2009 H submits CCR/CCS (1575L.08C) H2103-2104
5/15/2009 CCR H adopted H2125-2126 / S1918
5/15/2009 CCS H Third Read and Passed H2126-2127 / S1918
5/15/2009 CCR S offered & adopted S1998-1999 / H2239
5/15/2009 CCS S Third Read and Passed S1999 / H2239
5/15/2009 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1999 / H2239
5/29/2009 Signed by House Speaker H2242
5/29/2009 Signed by Senate President S2010
5/29/2009 Delivered to Governor H2242
7/13/2009 Signed by Governor
