SB 316
Modifies provisions on education courses regarding sexual predators, human sexuality and sexually transmitted disease
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/9/2009 - Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009

Current Bill Summary

SB 316 - This act modifies provisions on human sexuality and sexually transmitted disease school education courses for school districts that chooses to teach such courses.

The act removes references in the sexual education statute allowing information to be provided on the federal abstinence education law. This act also requires instruction on the dangers of sexual predators, including online predators. The pupils shall also be taught how to behave responsibly on the internet and how to report inappropriate behavior to a responsible adult. Prior to any human sexuality instruction, the parents shall also be notified regarding the CyberTipline and the sexual offender registry.

This act also repeals the provisions prohibiting abortion providers from providing sexual education in school and from schools providing abortion services.

This act is similar to provisions in SB 329 (2009), HB 999 (2009) and to SB 780 (2008).

