Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

CCS/SCS#2/HCS/HB 148 - This act modifies laws regarding property taxation by requiring tax rate rollbacks by school districts in reassessment years. For tax year 2009, political subdivisions are authorized to levy a property tax rate sufficient to generate as much revenue as was produced in the 2007 tax year excluding new construction and improvements as long as such rate does not exceed the greater of the rate in effect for the 1984 tax year or the most recent voter approved rate. Under current law, if a political subdivision experiences a decrease in assessed value, such political subdivision may roll-up its tax rate to the most recent voter-approved rate in order to receive the same amount of revenue as was received in the previous year. This act would allow a political subdivision which experiences a decrease in assessed value to roll-up its tax rate to the greater of the most recent voter-approved rate or the rate in effect for the 1984 tax year in order to collect the same amount of tax revenue from the previous year.

Any political subdivision that levies a property tax rate in excess of the most recent voter-approved rate will be required to provide notice of such in a newspaper of general circulation three separate times during the year in which such rate is in effect. Beginning in the 2010 tax year, county collectors will be required to include statements of the most recent voter-approved rate and purpose for each political subdivision located at least partially within the county levying a property tax.

This act allows certain counties of the first and second classification to collect property taxes using electronic records and disbursements. County collectors of these counties are required by the fifteenth day of each month to file, with the county clerk and auditor, a detailed statement of all taxes and license fees collected during the preceding month. Taxing authorities will be required to request notification of current taxes paid under protest by February 1, and county collectors must provide the information by March 1.

Currently, in counties without a charter form of government the collector collects a seven percent fee for the collection of delinquent taxes. In counties with a charter form of government and St. Louis City, the collector collects a two percent fee for the collection of such taxes. Under this act, in counties adopting a charter form of government after January 1, 2008, the collector shall collect a seven percent fee for the collection of delinquent taxes, while the collector in counties adopting a charter form of government before January 1, 2008, shall collect a two percent fee. The provisions contained in a county's charter authorizing the collection of a fee for the collection of back taxes which conflict with state law will control.

Currently, all counties, except counties with a charter form of government excluding St. Charles County, are required to establish a "Tax Maintenance Fund" to be used solely as a depository for funds received or collected for the purpose of funding additional costs and expenses incurred in the collector's office. Under this act, counties adopting a charter form of government after January 1, 2008, shall be required to establish such a fund as well.

In the event a county of the third or fourth classification abolishes its township organization or the county collect becomes a collector-treasurer, the collector treasurer shall assume all duties, compensation, and requirements of the collector-treasurer.


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