SB 170
Modifies the membership of the MO HealthNet Oversight Committee
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/26/2009 - Second Read and Referred S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009

Current Bill Summary

SB 170 - This act modifies the membership of the MO HealthNet Oversight Committee by adding an optometrist, a nurse, a mental health professional, a licensed physical therapist, as well as representatives from a not-for-profit health network serving rural counties and providing both patient-based and provider member services, the state association representing the majority of the long-term care facilities licensed in this state, the durable medical equipment industry, a Medicaid managed care organization, a rural health clinic and a federally qualified health clinic. This act also specifies that the committee shall have three patient advocates rather than two. Of the three advocates, one advocate shall represent children, one the disabled, and one the elderly community. In addition, rather than designating two primary care physicians and two physicians, the act now references four licensed physicians, two each from rural and urban areas, and board certified in their specialty.

This act is identical to a provision in SCS/SB 549 (2009) and similar to SS/SCS/SB 821 (2008).

