SB 477
Creates special rules for transportation development districts that are formed for the operation of public mass transportation systems
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/15/2009 - S Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SB 477-Wright-Jones, with SS (pending)
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2009

Current Bill Summary

SB 477 - This act amends the Missouri Transportation Development District Act to include public mass transportation systems as transportation development district projects.

Under current law, owners of property adjacent to a TDD may petition the court to add their property to the district and such property shall be added if the property owners within the district unanimously approve of its addition. Under this act, unanimous approval is not needed to add adjacent property to a TDD formed by a local transportation authority for the purpose of operating a public mass transportation system. Instead, adjacent property listed in the petition shall be added upon approval of the district's board of directors.

Under the act, the board of directors for a district formed by local transportation authorities for the purpose of operating a public mass transportation system shall consist of not less than 3 nor more than 5 persons appointed by the chief executive officers of each local transportation authority. The directors appointed by the chief executive officers may be removed by such officers at any time with or without cause. Under the act, the state highways and transportation commission is prohibited from appointing advisers to the boards of directors of these types of transportation development districts.

Under the act, districts formed by local transportation authorities for the purpose of operating a public mass transportation system do not have to submit their project plans to the state highways and transportation commission.

The act provides that the sales tax for a district formed by a local transportation authority for the purpose of operating a public mass transportation system shall not be considered economic activity taxes as used in the TIF statutes and that the tax revenues are not subject to allocation by the TIF statutes. The act also creates a special fund known as the "Transportation Development District Sales Tax Trust Fund" to deposit the sales tax revenues generated by these types of transportation development districts.



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