SB 672
Revises the conditions under which school districts may suspend or terminate teacher and administrator contracts
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/13/2010 - Second Read and Referred S Education Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2010

Current Bill Summary

SB 672 – Current law provides that a school district with a graduation rate below sixty-five percent has the authority to suspend or terminate the contract of teachers and administrators and to reconstitute the school with new personnel. This act revises the conditions under which school districts may suspend or terminate teacher and administrator contracts, regardless of whether the State Board of Education has made a formal determination on the district's accreditation classification. This act specifies conditions for when a teacher or administrator's termination may be rescinded. In addition, school districts must develop a plan of staff incentives, which may include pay for performance.

This act is identical to SB 515 (2009) and is substantially similar to HB 1223 (2007).

