
SB 871 - Under this act, a county is not required to obtain bids on purchases of $6,000 or less. Currently, such amount is set at $4,500.

Under current law, counties may waive competitive bidding when the County Commission determines that there is only one feasible source for the supply. This act requires counties to post notice on such proposed purchases of over $6,000 and advertise the commission's intent to make such purchase in the newspaper at least ten days in advance. Currently, the commission must post notice for such proposed purchases of at least $3,000 and also advertise in the newspaper for such purchases of at least $5,000.

This act is similar to SB 1254 (2008), SS/SCS/HB 376 (2009), HCS/SB 386 (2009), SB 256 (2009), HB 1589 (2010), SS/SCS/HB 1290 (2010), HCS/SCS/SB 887 (2010), and HCS/SS/SCS/SB 580 (2010).


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