Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1750 - The act requires incumbent local exchange telecommunications companies (ILECs) to reduce their intrastate exchange access rates by 6% of the difference between their intrastate and interstate rates each year for 3 years. Small ILECs are exempt from this requirement and certain rural alternative local exchange telecommunications companies are exempt from this requirement in exchanges where they served lines as of December 31, 2009. The first rate reduction must occur by March 1, 2011 and the next 2 reductions by March 1st of each subsequent year thereafter. Any company whose intrastate rates are impacted by the act must report to a House and Senate standing committee each January following a rate reduction with information about consumer service, infrastructure build-out, financial impact of the rate reductions on the company, and other non-proprietary matters as requested by the committee chairpersons.

This act is similar to SS/SCS/SB 698 (2010).


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