Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SS/SCS/HCS#2/HBs 1692, 1209, 1405, 1499, 1535 & 1811 - This act modifies various provisions of law.


(Section 60.670 and 327.272)

This act requires the Office of the State Land Surveyor in the Department of Natural Resources to promulgate rules and regulations establishing minimum standards for digital cadastral parcel mapping. Any map designed and used to reflect legal property descriptions or boundaries for use in a digital cadastral mapping system must comply with such rules, unless the party requesting the map specifies otherwise in writing, the map was designed and in use prior to the promulgation of the rules, or the parties requesting and designing the map already agreed to their contractual terms on the effective date of the rules promulgation.

The practice of land surveying shall include working with positions of the United States Public Land Survey System. It shall also include creating, preparing or modifying electronic or computerized data relative to the performance of certain other surveying activities; however, such acts shall not be exclusive to professional land surveyors unless they affect real property rights.

This act is identical to SB 621 (2010), SCS/SB 384 (2009), and HB 1830 (2010) and a provision of HCS/SCS/SB 700 (2010) and HCS/SS/SCS/SB 580 (2010).


(67.2800, 67.2805, 67.2810, 67.2815, 67.2820, 67.2825, 67.2830, 67.2835)

These sections create the Property Assessment Clean Energy (PACE) Act.

Municipalities may individually or jointly form clean energy development boards, which shall fund energy projects for property owners within their jurisdictions. Projects shall either reduce energy consumption or create energy from renewable sources. In exchange for receiving the funding for the project, a property owner agrees to pay a special assessment to be collected with his or her property tax for a period not to exceed 20 years.

The agreement between a property owner and a clean energy development board is a covenant that runs with the land and shall be binding upon subsequent owners of the property. Clean energy development boards can establish their own application requirements and project selection criteria and can require energy audits as a prerequisite to funding a project. Boards must submit annual reports to municipality(ies) that created them, with report requirements listed in the act.

Clean energy development boards may issue bonds, and may use the revenue from the sale of the bonds to fund energy efficiency or renewable energy projects.

The director of the department of economic development may allocate any part of the state's residual share of the national qualified energy conservation bond limitation to any state or local government entity.

This act is similar to SCS/SB 1037 (2010), HB 2178 (2010), HB 2298 (2010) and identical to provisions of SCS/HCS/HB 1871 (2010).


(Section 171.185)

This act prohibits any school district located in Chesterfield from operating a materials recovery and recycling facility within 500 feet of a residential property.

This section is identical to a provision of the perfected SS/SCS/SB 580 (2010).


(Sections 193.145, 193.265)

This act requires all data providers in the death registration process, including the state registrar, local registrars, medical examiners, coroners, or funeral directors to use an electronic death registration system within 6 months of the system being certified by the Department of Health and Senior Services to be operational and available to all data providers in the death registration process.

The state registrar may adopt pilot programs or voluntary electronic death registration programs until such time as the system can be certified. However, no such pilot or voluntary program shall prevent the filing of a death certificate with the local registrar or the ability to obtain certified copies of death certificates under current law until 6 months after the system is certified as operational.

This provision is similar to CCS#2/HCS/SCS/SB 754 (2010) and SCS/SB 975 (2010).


(Section 208.010)

This act provides that in determining eligibility and the amount of benefits to be granted under federally aided state public assistance programs, the value of any life insurance policy where a seller or provider is made the beneficiary or the policy is assigned to a seller or provider, either being in consideration for an irrevocable prearranged funeral contract under Chapter 436, will not be taken into account or considered an asset of the beneficiary named in the irrevocable prearranged funeral contract.

This provision is identical to a provision of HCS/HB 2388 (2010) and CCS#2/HCS/SCS/SB 754 (2010).


(Sections 214.160, 214.270, 214.276, 214.277, 214.282, 214.283, 214.290, 214.300, 214.310, 214.320, 214.325, 214.330, 214.335, 214.340, 214.345, 214.360, 214.363, 214.365, 214.367, 214.387, 214.389, 214.392, 214.400, 214.410, 214.500, 214.504, 214.508, 214.512, 214.516, 214.550)

This act modifies certain laws regarding cemeteries.

It allows county commissions that serve as trustees of funds for cemeteries to invest these funds in certificates of deposit.

Current law allows the Division of Professional Registration to seek an injunction against certain unlicensed cemetery operators in the county in which the conduct occurred or in which the defendant resides. This act eliminates this specific venue provision.

Each contract sold by a cemetery operator for cemetery services and items such as grave lots, markers, and tombstones shall meet certain requirements. If these requirements are not met, the contract is voidable by the purchaser.

Except for family burial grounds, individuals and public and private entities are required to notify the office of endowed care cemeteries of the name, location, and address of real estate used for the burial of human bodies.

Cemetery operators are exempted from the prearranged contract requirements of Chapter 436.

Currently, cemetery operators are required to correct deficiencies in the funding of endowed care trust funds. This act specifies that deficiencies do not include deficiencies caused by the fluctuating value of investments.

The requirements of endowed care trust funds and escrow accounts are modified in several ways. Among other changes, the requirement that a financial institution that serves as the trustee of an endowed care trust be located in Missouri is removed. Cemetery operators must maintain the name and address of the trustee and records custodian and supply the office with this information upon request. The trust records shall be maintained in Missouri, or electronically accessible. Missouri law shall control all endowed care trust funds and such funds will be administered in accordance with certain trust requirements. Endowed care cemetery funds may also be held in an escrow account in Missouri. However, if the funds in the escrow account are over 350,000 dollars, in most cases they must be in an endowed care trust fund. Trustees and escrow agents shall consent in writing to Missouri jurisdiction and the supervision of the office of endowed care cemeteries.

Cemetery operators are required to notify the Division of Professional Registration at least thirty days prior to selling the business assets of the cemetery, or selling a majority of its stock. If the division does not disapprove, the cemetery operator can continue to take such action.

Sellers of prearranged burial merchandise and services are required to deposit a portion of the purchase price in an escrow or trust account. These funds are maintained in this account until delivery of the property, performance of the services, or the contract is cancelled. These escrow arrangements and trusts must each meet certain requirements. Cemetery prearranged contracts entered into after August 28, 2010, can be cancelled within thirty days of receiving the executed contract for a full refund, and at any time before the services or merchandise are provided, with exceptions, for 80% of the net amount of all payments made into the escrow account or trust.

The division is allowed to direct a trustee, financial institution, or escrow agent to suspend distributions from endowed care trust funds or escrow accounts, if the cemetery operator is not licensed or does not meet certain other requirements, and after the cemetery operator is notified, and given sixty days to correct the violations. The cemetery operator may appeal this suspension.

Several provisions that previously applied to the city of St. Louis and allowed the sale of certain cemeteries owned by the city and applied to cemetery operators who purchased cemeteries from the city are now applied to all cities.

These provisions are identical to provisions of CCS/SCS/HBs 2226, 1826, 1832, &1990 (2010), CCS#2/HCS/SCS/SB 754 (2010), HCS/SB 2388 (2010), and SB 753 (2010), and similar to HB 1845 (2010) and SB 416 (2009).


(Section 246.310)

Under current law, farmland is provided an exemption under the Farmland Protection Act from being subject to water and sewer district assessments until the property is connected to the water or sewer system. The act specifies that this exemption does not apply to drainage and levee districts.

This section is similar to a provision of SCS/HCS/HB 1316 (2010), and identical to a provision of CCS/HCS/SB 795 (2010), HCS/SS/SCS/SB 580 (2010), HCS/SCS/SB 887 (2010), and HCS/SB 893 (2010).


(Section 288.034)

This act modifies the requirements for a real estate salesperson or real estate broker to qualify for unemployment compensation. Currently, a real estate salesperson or real estate broker is not considered to be engaged in employment, if at least 80 percent of the remuneration for the services performed is directly related to sales performed pursuant to a written contract and the contract provides that the salesperson or broker is not an employee for federal tax purposes. Under this act, a real estate salesperson or real estate broker is not considered to be engaged in employment, if substantially all of the remuneration for the services performed is directly related to sales or other output, including the performance of services, performed pursuant to a written contract and the contract provides that the salesperson or broker is not an employee for federal tax purposes.

This section is identical to HB 2188 (2010).


(Section 306.532)

Effective January 1, 2011, this act requires that a certificate of title for a new outboard motor designate both the year the outboard motor was manufactured and the year the dealer received the outboard motor from the manufacturer.

This section is similar to HB 1323 (2010) and identical to a provision of HCS/SB 893 (2010).


(Sections 327.031, 327.041, 327.351, 327.411)

This act adds another professional engineer member to the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects. It also allows a landscape architect to be the chairperson of the board. It also gives each member of the landscape architectural division of the board a vote when voting on action pending before the board. Beginning August 28, 2010, the chairperson of the board will rotate sequentially among an architect, professional engineer, professional land surveyor, and landscape architect. The chairperson shall only serve one four year term as chairperson. The chairperson of the landscape architectural division will be a vice chairperson of the board and will be ranking vice chairperson when the chairperson of the board is a landscape architect.

Eight members of the board, including at least one from each division will be required for a quorum for board business. Two voting members of each division of the board will be required for a quorum for division business.

A faculty member at an accredited school with the rank of assistant professor or higher will be regarded as actively practicing landscape architecture, in order to eligible for board membership.

The board will no longer be required to have the advice of the attorney general to summon or subpoena witnesses and documents under hearing or investigation.

Licensees are required to either prepare or personally provide direct and immediate supervision over the preparation of all documents sealed by the licensee. Licensees are also specifically required to only perform those architectural, professional engineering, professional land surveying, and landscape architectural services as they are qualified by education, training, and experience to perform.

Also, professional land surveyors with inactive licenses may continue to use the title "professional land surveyor" or the initials "PLS" after their name.

This act is similar to CCS/SCS/HBs 2226, 1826, 1832 & 1990 (2010), HCS/SCS/SB 754 (2010), HB 1639 (2010), HCS/HB 2388 (2010), and SB 298 (2009).


(Sections 339.010, 339.020, 339.030, 339.040, 339.080, 339.110, 339.160, 339.170, 339.710, 339.845)

This act modifies the definition of real estate broker and real estate salesperson for the purposes of licensing. The definition of a real estate broker now also includes limited partnership, limited liability company, and professional corporation. The definition of a real estate salesperson now also includes a partnership, limited partnership, limited liability corporation, association, professional corporation, or corporation. This act also creates a new category of license for a real estate broker-salesperson. A real estate broker-salesperson is required to have a real estate broker license in good standing, but may not also operate as a real estate broker.

If the real estate commission receives a notice of delinquent taxes from the director of revenue regarding a real estate broker or salesperson, the commission is required to immediately send a copy of the notice to the real estate broker with which the real estate broker or salesperson is associated.

These provisions are similar to provisions of CCS#2/HCS/SCS/SB 754 (2010) and HCS/HB 2388 (2010).


(Section 339.503)

This act creates a definition for "boat slip" or "watercraft slip" for the purposes of real estate appraisers, establishing that such object is a part of a boat dock serving a common interest community and thus, real property.

This provision is identical to a provision of HCS/SCS/SB 777 (2010) and SCS/HCS/HB 1446 (2010).


(Sections 339.1100, 339.1105, 339.1110, 339.1115, 339.1120, 339.1125, 339.1130, 339.1135, 339.1140, 339.1145, 339.1150, 339.1155, 339.1160, 339.1170, 339.1175, 339.1180, 339.1185, 339.1190, 339.1200, 339.1205, 339.1210, 339.1215, 339.1220, 339.1230, 339.1235, 339.1240)

This act requires appraisal management companies to register with the Missouri Real Estate Appraisers Commission. This registration is valid for two years.

Applicants for registration must provide contact information for any individual or entity that owns ten percent or more of the company, pay a fee, post a $20,000 bond with the commission, complete an irrevocable Uniform Consent to Service of Process, and make certain certifications regarding their business processes.

A person or entity that has had a license disciplined or denied in any state is prohibited from owning more than ten percent of an appraisal management company, in order for the company to be registered in Missouri.

Appraisal management companies are required to designate a compliance manager who, among other requirements, must submit to a background check.

Appraisal management companies are prohibited from employing, contracting, or entering into another business relationship with any person or entity who has had an appraiser license disciplined or denied in Missouri or any other state.

Letters of engagement from appraisal management companies are required to instruct appraisers to decline the assignment if the appraiser is not geographically competent or the assignment is outside the appraiser's scope of practice restrictions.

Appraisal management companies are required to certify twice a year to the commission that the company has systems in place to verify that: any individual added to the appraiser panel of the company has as license in good standing, any individual to whom the company makes an appraisal assignment has not been refused a license or certification or had their license or certification disciplined, appraisal reviews are performed to that the appraisals are conducted according to Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The company is also required to certify that it maintains a detailed record of each service request for appraisal services.

All appraisal management company records are required to be retained for five years.

Appraisal management companies are required to separate out the fees the appraiser charged for the appraisal and the fees the company charged for managing the appraisal process on their statements to their clients.

Appraisal management companies are prohibited from influencing appraisals through coercion, compensation, instruction, and several other means. These companies are also prohibited from requiring appraisers to modify reports, prepare certain reports, prepare reports under a short time frame, structuring an appraiser's fee based on a loan closing or achieving a certain dollar amount appraisal.

Appraisal management companies are required to pay appraisers within thirty days from the completion of an appraisal assignment, except in cases of breach of contract or substandard performance of services.

The real estate appraisers commission is required to issue a unique registration number to each appraisal management company. The company is required to put this number on each engagement letter for real estate appraisal assignments in Missouri.

Appraisal management companies are not allowed to remove an appraiser from its appraisal panel without written notice to the appraiser and providing the appraiser an opportunity to respond. If an appraiser is removed from the panel for certain conduct, the appraiser can seek review from the real estate appraisers commission. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the commission may order the appraiser added to the company's panel.

The commission is authorized to discipline the registration of an appraisal management company, or impose civil penalties, not to exceed $1,000 for each offense, with a maximum penalty of $10,000.

These sections are similar to a provision of HCS/SB 991 & 645 (2010) and to HCS/HB 2152 (2010).


(Section 429.016)

This act modifies the law relating to mechanic's liens against residential real property.

Those seeking to preserve the right to assert a mechanic's lien against residential real property, shall record a notice of rights in the office of the recorder of deeds for the county in which the property is located not less than 5 days prior to the intended closing date as stated in a notice of intended sale. A claimant accurately identified in a previously recorded notice of rights shall not be required to record a notice of rights. Those failing to record notice shall waive their right to assert a claim. A notice of rights filed after the owner's conveyance of the property to a bona fide purchaser for value shall not preserve the filer's rights to assert a claim. The act contains the form of notice to be used.

The recorder of deeds shall record the notice in the land records whereby the owners shall be designated "grantors" and claimants shall be designated "grantees". The grantee's signature shall not be required for recording.

If the record title owner has contracted with a claimant to perform work on the property to facilitate a sale, the owner shall record a notice of intended sale in the office of the recorder of deeds no less than 45 days prior to the earliest date the owner intends to close on the sale of the property. The notice shall state the intended date of closing.

The owner's recording of a notice of intended sale is a condition precedent to a claimant's obligation to record a notice of rights in order to retain mechanic's lien rights. The owner shall post a copy of the notice of intended sale at the property.

The owner shall provide a claimant with a copy of the notice of pending sale and a legal description within 5 days after the date of the owner receives a request from the claimant to do so. A claimant shall then provide any entity with which it has contracted the same notice within 10 days of a request.

Owners failing to record or disclose shall be liable for the claimant's actual and reasonable costs, including attorney's fees to obtain a legal description of the property. Owner's failure to deliver the information shall not affect the claimant's obligation to record a notice of rights.

Owners shall not be liable for error in the content of its disclosures. If the claimant relies in good faith upon the legal description provided by the owner, the notice shall comply and the rights to assert a lien shall be retained.

Currently, mechanic's lien claimants are required to file a just and true account of the demand due under section 429.080 when filing a lien. This act enumerates the items that shall be required to satisfy that requirement with respect to liens against residential real property.

Those wishing to have one's property released from a mechanic's lien may do so by depositing a sum, to act as substitute collateral for the lien, in an amount not less than 150% of the lien with the circuit clerk and record a certificate of deposit with the circuit clerk that includes a listing of the sum deposited, the name of the claimant; the number assigned to the lien; the amount being released; the legal description of the property; the name, address, and property interest of the person making the deposit; and a certification that the person has mailed a copy of the certificate of deposit to the claimant. Upon release of the property from the lien, by depositing the substitute collateral, the claimant's rights are transferred from the residential real property to the substitute collateral.

Requirements for valid, unconditional, final lien waivers for residential real property are enumerated and the form supplied. Such waivers are valid notwithstanding the claimant's failure to receive any promised payment or other consideration.

Claimants who have recorded a notice of rights and who have been paid in full for the work performed shall timely execute an unconditional, final mechanic's lien waiver.

This provision is identical to SS/SCS/HCS/HB 2058 (2010), and similar to SS/SCS/HB 1609 (2010), HCS/SB 893 (2010), SB 934 (2010), and SB 935 (2010).


(Section 441.645)

Under the terms of this section, a tenant is not liable for rent payments during the remainder of the term of a lease agreement when his or her residence is destroyed by an act of God or other natural or man-made disaster, provided the tenant was not the cause of the disaster.

This section is identical to HB 1401 (2010), HCS/SB 262 (2009), HB 171 (2009), and HCS/HB 187 & 235 (2009).


(Section 452.340, 454.475, 454.517, 454.557, 454.1003)

This act modifies provisions relating to child support.

Under this act, child support obligations may be terminated in the automated child support system when support is deemed terminated under state law. This act allows child support to be terminated if the state case registry indicates that the child is twenty-one years old and the support order does not require further payment. The act also allows for a hearing regarding a child's emancipation when it is disputed by the parties, rather than treating the dispute as a motion to modify the support obligation.

This act specifies that affidavits shall be filed with the court for judicial orders and with the family support division for administrative orders.

This act requires the family support division to advise the obligor of the procedures to contest a lien placed, by the family support division, on workers' compensation benefits on the grounds that such lien is a mistake of fact. The obligor shall request a hearing within 30 days of the mailing of the notice. The certified copy of the court order and the sworn or certified statement of arrearages shall constitute prima facie evidence that the division's order is valid and enforceable. If prima facie evidence is established, the obligor may only assert mistake of fact as a defense. The obligor shall have the burden of proof on such issues.

These provisions are identical to SB 877(2010) and HB 2374 (2010) and similar to provisions of SCS/SB 1060 (2010).


(Section 452.430)

Currently, any pleadings other than interlocutory or final judgments in divorce or legal separation cases filed prior to August 28, 2009, shall only be inspected by the parties, an attorney of record, upon order of the court, or in certain circumstances by the Family Support Division of DSS. The clerk is required to redact social security numbers from any judgment or pleading before releasing them to the public. This act modifies these requirements, so that they also apply to pleadings in modification proceedings filed prior to August 28, 2009 and so that the attorney general or his or her designee and licensed title insurers or their designees, will also be allowed to inspect the pleadings in these cases. Pleadings and filings in divorce, legal separation, or modification proceeding that are more than 72 years old may be made available to any person. Those people who are authorized to inspect the pleadings in these cases may also receive or make copies of documents without the clerk being required to redact the Social Security number, unless the court specifically orders the clerk to do otherwise. Also, the clerk will no longer be required to redact the Social Security number from pleadings from cases prior to August 28, 2009, but only from any copy of a judgment or satisfaction of judgment.

This section has an emergency clause.

This section is identical to a provision of SS/SCS/HB 1609 (2010) and similar to a provision of HCS/SCS/SB 583 (2010), HCS/SB 893 (2010), SCS/SB 1060 (2010), SB 985 (2010), HB 1908 (2010), and HB 2046 (2010).


(Section 488.429)

This section would allow all counties to use a certain court fee for courtroom renovation and technology enhancement. Currently, judges in Clay County, Jackson County, Greene County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and Platte County are restricted from using this fee for such purposes.

This section is identical to SB 767 (2010).


(Section 493.055)

This section requires all public advertisements and orders of publication required by law, including amendments to the Missouri Constitution, legal publications affecting sales of real estate under a power of sale in a mortgage or deed of trust, and other legal publications affecting the title to real estate to be published in the newspaper.


(Section 537.296)

Currently, if any party in a private nuisance case where the amount in controversy exceeds one million dollars requests the court or jury visit the property alleged to be affected by the nuisance, the court or jury is required to visit the property. This act rewords this requirement.

This section is identical to SS/SCS/HB 1609 (2010).


(Sections 563.011, 563.031, 571.070, 571.104, 571.107)

This act specifies that an individual, who owns or leases private property and is claiming a justification of using protective force, may use deadly force against a person who unlawfully enters, remains after unlawfully entering, or attempts to unlawfully enter the property.

The owner or lessor of private property does not have a duty to retreat from such property.

Currently, a person may use deadly force against a person who unlawfully enters, remains after unlawfully entering, or attempts to unlawfully enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle lawfully occupied by such person. Under this act, if a defendant asserts the use of this type of force, the burden shall then be on the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not reasonably believe that the use of such force was necessary to defend against what he or she reasonably believed was the use of imminent use of unlawful force.

Currently, a person commits the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm if he or she is a convicted felon possessing a firearm. This act would allow such persons to possess antique firearms.

To process a change of address for a concealed carry endorsement, the sheriff of the new jurisdiction may charge a fee of not more than $10. Also, a sheriff may charge a fee of not more than $10 to change the name on an endorsement.

This act allows prosecuting attorneys, assistant prosecuting attorneys, circuit attorneys, and assistant circuit attorneys who have completed the firearms safety training course required to obtain a conceal carry endorsement to carry a concealed firearm in a courthouse.

These sections are similar to SB 1005 (2010), HB 1787 (2010), a provision of SCS/HB 1802 (2010), and a provision of SS/SCS/HB 1609 (2010).


(Section 571.030)

This act exempts prosecuting attorneys, assistant prosecuting attorneys, circuit attorneys, and assistant circuit attorneys who have completed the firearms safety training course required to obtain a conceal carry endorsement, from certain otherwise unlawful uses of a weapon. Such acts include the general prohibition against carrying a concealed firearm without an endorsement, shooting into a dwelling, exhibiting a weapon in a threatening manner, discharging a firearm within 100 yards of a school, courthouse, or church, discharging a firearm along a highway, carrying a firearm into a church or election precinct, discharging a firearm at or from a vehicle at a person, and carrying a firearm into a school.

This exemption is identical to the exception for peace officers, jailers, members of the military, members of the judiciary, persons executing process, probation and parole officers, corporate security advisors, and coroners. Any of the otherwise unlawful uses of a weapon performed under these provisions must be reasonably associated with or necessary to fulfill the person's official duties in order to be exempted.

Under this act, it an unlawful use of a weapon if a person has a firearm readily capable of lethal use on his or her person, while he or she is intoxicated, and handles or otherwise uses such firearm in a negligent or unlawful manner or discharges such firearm. Currently, it is unlawful if a person possesses or discharges the firearm while intoxicated.

This provision is similar to SS/SCS/HB 1609 (2010), SCS/SB 740 (2010) and HB 1308 (2010).


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