Senate Substitute

SS/HCS/HB 1848 - The act creates the Joint Interim Committee on Urban Farming. The committee shall be made up of 10 members, with 5 from the Senate and 5 from the House of Representatives. The committee shall meet within 30 days after it becomes effective.

The committee is charged with studying and making recommendations regarding the impact of urban farm cooperatives, vertical farming, and sustainable living communities in the state. In its study, the committee must examine trends in urban farming, existing resources and capacity for urban farming, the impact of urban farming on the community, and any needed state legislation or policies. The committee must hold meetings in at least 3 urban areas to seek public input and must submit its findings to the Governor and General Assembly by December 31, 2010.

The act creates a subcommittee to meet in advance of the committee's meetings, with representation specified.

The provisions of the act expire on January 1, 2011.


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