Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

CCS/HCS/HB 2070 - Currently, funds collected from a central fire and emergency dispatching services tax must be used solely for the purpose of establishing and providing the joint services except in St. Louis County where the funds are used for equipment and services by cities, towns, villages, counties, or fire protection districts which contract with the joint central fire and emergency dispatching service except for salaries, wages, and benefits. This allows all funds derived from the tax, including any existing surplus funds, to be used by any city, town, village, county, or fire protection district or a central fire and emergency service board for these purposes. Fire protection districts in Jefferson County that have levied property taxes under Section 321.243, RSMo, and imposed any communications tax for central fire and emergency dispatching services are permitted to seek voter approval to use the property tax revenues for general revenue purposes.

The act modifies provisions of law which authorize St. Louis County to impose a sales tax to fund the establishment, operation, and maintenance of an emergency communications system by making such tax effective on the first day of the second calendar quarter after the director of revenue receives notification of the adoption of the tax and exempting food sales from such tax. The Director of the Department of Revenue will collect and deposit the sales tax revenue, less a 1% collection fee, into the newly created County Emergency Communications Sales Tax Fund. The department director will disburse the funds monthly to the county.


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