SB 101 Creates requirements for contractors who perform home exterior and roof work
1/12/2011 S First Read--SB 101-Parson S79
1/20/2011 Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee S126
2/8/2011 Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
2/15/2011 Voted Do Pass (w/SCA 1) S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee (0733S01.01S)
2/24/2011 Reported from S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee to Floor w/SCA 1 S329-330
2/28/2011 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S345
3/1/2011 SCA 1 S adopted S361
3/1/2011 Perfected, as amended S361
3/1/2011 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee S366
3/2/2011 S Third Read and Passed S376
3/2/2011 H First Read H505
3/3/2011 H Second Read H510
3/31/2011 Referred H Insurance Policy Committee H811
4/5/2011 Hearing Conducted H Insurance Policy Committee
4/4/2011 Voted Do Pass H Insurance Policy Committee
4/5/2011 Reported Do Pass H Insurance Policy Committee
4/5/2011 Referred to Rules Committee pursuant to Rule 25(32)(f) H907
4/20/2011 Voted Do Pass H Rules Pursuant Committee
4/20/2011 Reported Do Pass H Rules Pursuant Committee H1419
5/3/2011 H Third Read and Passed H1788-1789 / S1302
5/3/2011 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1302
5/26/2011 Reported Duly Enrolled S Rules Committee S2097
5/26/2011 Signed by Senate President S2098
5/26/2011 Signed by House Speaker H2711-2712
5/26/2011 Delivered to Governor S2099
6/30/2011 Signed by Governor
