SB 267
Requires hospitals to annually administer, or make available to be administered, immunizations against the influenza virus to certain hospital employees
LR Number:
Last Action:
2/17/2011 - Second Read and Referred S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2011

Current Bill Summary

SB 267 - This act requires hospitals to annually administer, or make available to be administered, immunizations against the influenza virus to hospital employees who have direct contact with patients of the hospital.

A hospital shall not require an employee to receive an immunization under this act if:

(1) The hospital has written documentation from the employee's physician or other health care provider indicating that the individual received an immunization and determines that no additional immunization is required;

(2) The immunization is medically contraindicated for the employee;

(3) Receiving the immunization is against the employee's religious beliefs; or

(4) The employee declines in writing the immunization after receiving education on the risks and benefits of an immunization against the influenza.

