Senate Substitute

SS/SCS/SB 25 - This act allows the counties of Buchanan, Andrew, Livingston, Cass, Newton, Jasper, and Dade to enact nuisance abatement ordinances. No county, however, may adopt any ordinance, resolution, or regulation governing a railroad company, a telecommunications or wireless company, or other utility companies.

Under this act, any city in which voters have approved fees to recover costs associated with the enforcement of certain property ordinances may issue a special tax bill to recover such costs. A city may provide by ordinance for the discharge of the special tax bill upon a determination that the discharge will result in a public benefit.

Under the current law, no person or corporation may maintain a junkyard within 200 feet of a state or county road unless the junkyard is screened by a fence. A failure to screen such a junkyard from the motoring public is a misdemeanor. This section changes the penalties for junkyard screening violation by making the first violation a Class C misdemeanor and a 2nd or subsequent violation a Class A misdemeanor. In addition to the penalties, the violators shall be ordered to remove the junk or build a fence to screen the junk from the public.

Under current law, the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City may establish administrative adjudication systems to handle parking and other civil municipal code violations. This act allows the city of St. Joseph to establish such a system and adds housing, property maintenance, and nuisance violations to the list of offenses that may be handled through the system. In addition, the cities may issue a special tax bill to collect fines issued for housing, property maintenance, and nuisance code violations.

Provisions of this act are identical to provisions of SB 187 (2011), SB 194 (2011), and HB 1303 (2010).


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