
SCS/SB 11 - This act regulates the operation of motor vehicles.

TEXT MESSAGE BAN - Under current law, drivers who are 21 years of age or younger are prohibited from text messaging while operating a motor vehicle. Under this act, the text messaging ban is applied universally so that all drivers, regardless of age, are prohibited from text messaging while operating a motor vehicle. Under the act, persons who use handheld mobile telephones in conjunction with voice-operated or hands-free devices to send text messages are exempt from the text message ban (Section 304.820).

HARVEST WEIGHT TOLERANCE - Under this act, for the period between October 15th and December 15th of each year, any motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles carrying agricultural products may operate with a load that exceeds the maximum weight load permitted by this chapter by ten percent on any tandem axle, group of axles, and gross weight. If enforcement action is taken pursuant to this act, the fine or penalty shall only apply to that portion of the load that is more than ten percent above the legal limit. The weight tolerance authorized by the act shall apply to all highways within the state of Missouri except for the interstate highway system (Section 304.180).

MINIMAL YELLOW LIGHT CHANGE INTERVAL TIME STANDARDS - Under this act, the timing of traffic-control signals must conform to regulations promulgated by the Department of Transportation. The department must establish minimal yellow light change interval times for traffic-control devices. The minimal yellow light change interval time shall be established in accordance with nationally recognized engineering standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and any such established time shall not be less than the recognized national standard (Section 304.289).


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