Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SS/SCS/HCS/HB 45 - Under current law, the Big Government Get Off My Back Act prohibits user fees imposed by the state from increasing for the four-year period beginning on August 28, 2009, unless the fee increase is to implement a federal program administered by the state or is a result of an act of the General Assembly. For the same four-year period, any state agency proposing a rule must certify that: it does not have an adverse impact on small businesses with fewer than twenty-five employees; it is necessary to protect the life, health, or safety of the public; or small businesses with fewer than twenty-five employees are exempt from such rule. This act increases the time period of the prohibition on user fee increases and the rule making requirements to a five year-period beginning on August 28, 2009. During the five-year period beginning August 28, 2009, any state agency proposing a rule must certify that: it does not have an adverse impact on small businesses with fewer than fifty employees; it is necessary to protect the life, health, or safety of the public; or small businesses with fewer than fifty employees are exempt from such rule. The act also provides that any federal mandate compelling the state to enact, enforce, or administer a federal regulatory program will be subject to authorization through appropriation or statutory enactment.

The act creates an income tax deduction for tax years 2011 through 2014 for small businesses that create new full-time jobs paying wages equal to, or greater than, the county average wage. A small business will be able to deduct ten thousand dollars for each full-time job created or twenty thousand dollars per new job if the employer offers health insurance for the new employees and pays at least half of the premiums for such insurance.

The provisions of the act creating the income tax deduction for small business job creation will automatically sunset on December 31st three years from the effective date of the act unless reauthorized.


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