
SB 294 – This act allows proposed or existing high risk or alternative charter schools to include alternative arrangements for students to obtain credits for satisfying graduation requirements in the charter application and charter. Alternative arrangements may include credit for off-campus instruction, embedded credit, work experience, independent studies, and performance-based credit options. Upon approval of the charter by the State Board of Education, any alternative arrangements will be approved at the same time.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education must conduct a study of any such charter school granted alternative arrangements for students to obtain credit to assess student performance, graduation rates, educational outcomes, and entry into the workforce or higher education. (Section 160.405)

This act requires charter schools whose mission includes student drop-out prevention or recovery to enroll nonresident pupils from the same or an adjacent county who reside in residential care facilities, transitional living group homes, or independent living programs, whose last school of enrollment is in the school district where the charter school is established, who submit a timely application. Preference will be given to resident pupils over non-resident pupils if there is insufficient capacity. Charter schools may also give an admissions preference to high-risk and dropout students. (Section 160.410)

This act also allows charter schools to participate in the School Flex Program. In addition, the program will be expanded to include students ages seventeen to twenty-one who have not obtained a high school degree, who meet the other program requirements. (Section 160.539)

This act is identical to HB 897 (2011) and provisions contained in HCS/HB 472 (2011) and is substantially similar to SB 835 (2010) and contains provisions similar to SB 317 (2009), SB 1027 (2008) and similar to provisions also contained in SB 64 (2009).


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