Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/SB 374 - Under current law, the clerk of a county commission must live in the county for six months prior to election. This act requires the clerk to live in the county for one year prior to election.

In addition, this act establishes qualifications and appointment procedures for county recorders where the offices of the court clerk and recorder of deeds are separate. These provisions do not apply in the city of St. Louis or charter counties.

The county recorder must be at least 21, a registered voter, and a resident of the state or county in which he or she is a candidate for a least one year prior to the general election. If elected, the recorder must continue to be a resident while in office.

The county commission is to appoint a recorder in the event of a vacancy in the office due to resignation or death until the governor appoints someone to the office pursuant to section 105.030.

A provision of this act is identical to HB 186 (2011).


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