Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

CCS/SCS/HB 142 - This act modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions.


This act requires the auditor of any county with a charter form of government to annually take an inventory of county property with an original value of $1,000 or more. Current law requires an inventory of county property with an original value of $250 or more.

This provision is identical to SB 145 (2011) and a provision of HCS/HB 889 (2011).


Under this act, a public administrator may request the court to transfer any guardianship or conservatorship case to another county. If the other county meets the venue requirements and the public administrator of the other county consents to the transfer, the court is required to transfer the case. The court with jurisdiction over the other county is required to appoint the public administrator of that county as the person's new guardian or conservator.

The public administrator is required to file a final settlement of their conservatorship within thirty days of the court transferring the case. This final settlement will be filed in the court with jurisdiction over the original conservatorship and forwarded to the receiving county upon approval.

This provision is identical to SB 57 (2011) and HB 88 (2011) and is identical to a provision of SS/SCS/HCS/HB 111 (2011), HCS/SCS/SB 60 (2011), and HCS/SB 145 (2011).


This amendment authorizes cities, towns, and villages located in any county of the state to seek voter approval for the imposition of a fee on residential property to fund the repair or replacement of water lines on that property. The fee would be imposed for the repair or replacement of water service lines providing water service to residential properties having four or fewer dwelling units located within the city, town, or village. The fee cannot exceed one dollar per month.

Any city, town, or village which imposes the water service line fee may, by ordinance, provide for the administration of the program and define the terms "repair" and "water service line".

This provision is identical to SB 174 (2011) and HB 369 (2011) and a provision of HCS/HB 889 (2011) and HCS/SB 145 (2011).


Under this amendment, any city in which voters have approved fees to recover costs associated with the enforcement of certain property ordinances may issue a special tax bill to recover such costs. A city may provide by ordinance for the discharge of the special tax bill upon a determination that the discharge will result in a public benefit.

This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/HB 889 (2011) and SB 25 (2011).


Under current law, the cities of St. Louis and Kansas City may establish administrative adjudication systems to handle parking and other civil municipal code violations. This amendment allows the City of St. Joseph to establish such a system and adds housing, property maintenance, and nuisance violations to the list of offenses that may be handled through the system. In addition, the cities may issue a special tax bill to collect fines issued for housing, property maintenance, and nuisance code violations.

This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/HB 889 (2011) and SB 25 (2011).


This act allows the Boone County Collector to add special assessments levied in a community improvement district to the annual real estate tax bills for the properties being benefitted by the district. Unpaid special assessments on the first day of January are considered delinquent and enforcement of the collection of delinquent bills will be governed by the laws concerning delinquent and back taxes. A lien may be foreclosed in the same manner as a tax upon real property by land tax sale.

This provision is identical to a provision in HCS/HB 889 (2011), HCS/SB 61 (2011), CCS/HCS/SCS/SB 117 (2011), and HCS/SB 174 (2011).


This act allows the Board of Commissioners of Tower Grove Park to change the size of the board by a majority vote of the board members.


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