Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HB 282 - This act modifies provisions regarding public employee retirement.

This act also specifies how duty-related death benefits will be funded for LAGERS. In the same way as when a disability benefit is due to a member of the LAGERS system, when a duty-related death benefit is due to a beneficiary, the accrued service pension reserve will be calculated, as of the effective date of the disability benefit. Contributions from political subdivisions for duty-related death benefits will be held in the Casualty Reserve Fund. Political subdivisions that participate in LAGERS will have a portion of their contributions for duty-related death benefits determined on a one-year term basis in the same way that their contribution for a portion of disability benefits is determined. (Sections 70.710, 70.720, and 70.730)

This act also requires that the Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Employees' Retirement System (MPERS) and the Missouri State Employees' Retirement System (MOSERS)transfer money between the two systems when an employee transfers service between the two systems on or after September 1, 2011. The act specifies the method that the systems are required to use to calculate the amount of the transfer payment. The amount of the money transferred shall be the present value of the accrued benefit. (Section 104.603)

This act makes enrollment in the state deferred compensation program automatic for those state employees eligible for the plan hired on or after July 1, 2012. These employees will automatically have one percent of eligible compensation contributed to the deferred compensation plan. Employees who do not want to contribute to the program may opt out of the plan within the first thirty days of employment, and at a later date decide to participate. Employees who are automatically enrolled can change the amount of contribution. Employees of state colleges or universities would not be automatically enrolled.

On or after September 1, 2011, if a participant in the deferred compensation plan or the 401(a) plan established in Section 105.927 is married, their surviving spouse will be automatically designated as their primary beneficiary, unless the surviving spouse consented in writing to allow the participant to designate someone else as their beneficiary. This automatic beneficiary designation does not apply to designations made prior to September 1, 2011.

The Missouri State Employees' Retirement System board is also authorized to adopt and amend plan documents to change terms and conditions of the deferred compensation plan that are consistent with federal law.

If the General Assembly appropriated money for a state match, each participant in the deferred compensation plan would be eligible, rather than only state employees who have been employees for at least twelve consecutive months before the match and contribute at least twenty-five dollars a month.

The act also allows a state agency to credit funds directly to a participant in the deferred compensation plan if that agency's payroll is not issued through the State Treasurer. (Sections 105.915 and 105.927)

This act is similar to SB 121 (2011), HB 448 (2011), SB 201 (2011), SB 290 (2009), and SB 410 (2011).


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