Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HCS/HB 344 - The act creates the Farm-to-Table Advisory Board, which shall be made up of the following 7 people: one person actively engaged in small agribusiness appointed by the director of the Department of Agriculture, and one representative from each of the following entities: the University of Missouri Extension Service, the Office of Administration, and the Departments of Agriculture, Corrections, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Economic Development. The board must meet at least twice, but may meet more often as needed.

The mission of the board is to develop recommendations for ways that allow schools and state facilities to more easily purchase products directly from local farms for use in their cafeterias and ways to increase public awareness about locally-produced food and its relationship to healthy communities and people. The act requires the board to investigate existing public and private resources that may be used to accomplish the mission objectives as well as identify barriers to the objectives.

The act requires the board to produce and deliver a report, containing its findings and recommendations, to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the directors of the represented agencies by August 31, 2012. This section expires on August 31, 2012.

The act exempts rice producers from being able to independently request a refund of their commodity fees from the director of the Department of Agriculture.

The act contains provisions similar to SB 162 (2011).


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