Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HB 270 - Under this act, Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan participants who are eligible for Medicare benefits and who are not eligible for their state employee health care coverage to be their primary plan of coverage shall be provided substantially similar benefits provided to participants who are not eligible for Medicare benefits. Under current law, a participant in the state employee health care plan who is eligible for Medicare, and whose state employee coverage is not primary, must be provided the same benefits provided to participants who are not eligible for Medicare benefits. This portion of the act is substantially similar to SB 894 (2010) and SB 90 (2011)(Section 103.089).

Under this act, beginning with the open enrollment period for the 2012 plan year, the high deductible health plan offered by the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan shall have monthly subscriber premiums that are materially lower than non-high deductible health plan monthly subscriber premiums with a goal of monthly subscriber premiums being at least 50% lower than non-high deductible health plan premiums. The amount of the annual deductible for the high deductible health plan shall be no greater than 200% of the minimum annual deductible for self-only coverage and family coverage as established by the Internal Revenue Service for the current tax year. The coverage afforded by the high deductible health plan, after the deductible has been met, shall be substantially similar to the coverage provided by the non-high deductible health plan chosen by a plurality of qualified employees. If, after the completion of the open enrollment period for the 2012 plan year, fewer than 10% of Missouri's active state employees have enrolled in a high deductible health plan described in the act, then the board shall offer a more competitive high deductible health plan with increased financial and coverage incentives, including but not limited to alternative annual deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, and other health plan design features, all within the federal guidelines, with the goal of having 40% of Missouri's active state employees enrolling in a health savings account compatible high deductible health plan by the open enrollment period for the 2015 plan year. This portion of the act is substantially similar to SCS/SB 2 and SB 90 (2011)(Section 103.080).


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