Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

CCS/SS/SCS/HCS/HB 430 - This act modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of transportation.

USE OF PUBLIC STREETS - This act requires a municipality to allow at least one street, with lawful traffic movement and access from both directions, to be used by commercial vehicles to access any roads in the state highway system (section 304.120). The act also prohibits any civil action for a public or private nuisance on the basis of an individual or business entity legally using a vehicle on a public street or highway (Section 537.293). These provisions may also be found in SB 277 (2011).

REGULATION OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVERS - This act modifies provisions relating to the regulation of household goods movers. These provisions are similar to the ones contained in SB 58 (2011).

Under the terms of this act, household goods movers will no longer have to file their schedule of rates, fares and charges with the state highways and transportation commission. A household goods mover must maintain and publish its schedules of rates, fares, rules, and charges in its stations and offices. Such rates shall be available for inspection by the commission, shippers, and the public (Sections 387.040 and 387.050).

This act prohibits household goods movers from participating in joint tariffs. The act allows joint tariffs relating to the transportation of household goods over through routes or in interline service involving two or more separate motor carriers. Carriers of household goods participating in through routes or interline service shall publish joint tariffs or individual tariffs for each participating carrier (no longer have to file joint tariffs with the commission). In addition, household goods movers will no longer be required to file sworn copies of every contract with other motor carriers with the commission (Sections 387.080 and 390.116).

Under current law, household goods carriers are prohibited from using schedules of rates that divide the state into territorial rate areas. This act removes this restriction (Section 387.110).

Under the terms of this act, the commission no longer has the authority to fix rates with reference to the transportation of household goods. Rates published by household goods movers are presumed to prima facie lawful (Section 387.207)

Under this act, all rate orders issued by the commission affecting the transportation of household goods, to the extent such rate orders prescribe any minimum or maximum rates for the transportation of such goods, shall be vacated. Other provisions contained in the rate orders unrelated to prescribing maximum or minimum rates shall not be vacated (Section 387.355).

The act eliminates the requirement that household goods or non charter passenger carriers demonstrate that their proposed service will serve a useful present or future public purpose when applying for a certificate of authority or permit. Concomitantly, applicants for household goods or passenger certificates or permits will not have to satisfy the public convenience and necessity test when proposing a new service, an extension of existing service, or a transfer of authority. An applicant for a household goods or passenger certificate of authority or permit will have to show that they are fit, willing, and able to perform the service, and that they will conform to other standards established by law.

Under this act, the commission shall not restrict any certificate or permit authorizing the transportation of household goods or passengers with reference to any route or routes (Sections 390.051 and 390.061).

Under this act, any geographic restriction or provision limiting a household goods carrier's scope of authority to particular routes within this state contained in a certificate or permit, or both, which was issued prior to August 28, 2011, and any similar provision contained in a carrier's tariff schedule filed prior to such date, shall be deemed void. In lieu of the geographic restrictions expressed in such certificates, permits, or tariff schedules, a motor carrier shall be authorized to provide intrastate transportation of household goods between all points and destinations within the state until such time the certificates, permits, and tariff schedules are reissued or amended to reflect the motor carrier's statewide operating authority (Section 390.280).

The act further provides that nothing contained in the provisions of sections 390.051 to 390.116 shall be construed to exempt or to alter the obligation of compliance by carriers transporting passengers point-to-point within the regional taxicab district of St. Louis (Section 390.280).

Beginning August 28, 2011, no certificate of authority or permit shall be issued or renewed unless the applicant demonstrates that the applicant has workers' compensation insurance coverage that complies with Missouri law for all its employees. If any household goods carrier is found by the division of workers' compensation to be out of compliance with the workers' compensation law, the division shall report such fact to the state Highways and Transportation Commission. The commission shall suspend the household goods carrier's certificate or permit until such time the carrier demonstrates that it has procured workers' compensation insurance coverage (Section 390.054).

This act requires the commission to establish consumer protection requirements for motor carriers transporting household goods in intrastate commerce (Section 387.137 ).

This act requires the Division of Motor Carriers to develop a complaint process. The complaint process shall keep a record for each complaint and shall record findings made at each step of the complaint process, provide an explanation for a complaint dismissal, and provide other information (Section 387.139).

The household good mover provisions may also be found in SB 58 (2011).

NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION SPECIAL LICENSE PLATE - This act allows for a special license plate for a member of the National Wild Turkey Federation. To obtain the plate, a person must submit an application to the director accompanied by an emblem-use authorization statement along with an additional $15 fee. Any person who was previously issued a federation plate and who does not provide an emblem-use authorization statement at a subsequent time of registration will be issued a new plate which does not bear the federation's emblem (Section 301.4036).

NRA SPECIALIZED LICENSE PLATES - This act allows any member of the National Rifle Association to obtain a specialized license plate bearing the organization's official emblem after paying a $25 emblem-use fee to the NRA, a specialized plate of $15 to the department of revenue, and the payment of regular registration fees (Section 1).

INTOXICATION-RELATED TRAFFIC OFFENSES - Current state law (Section 302.309.3(2)) allows courts and the Department of Revenue to issue limited driving privileges to allow repeat offenders to drive a motor vehicle to: (1) a business, occupation or employment; (2) medical treatment; (3) school; (4) alcohol or drug treatment programs; (5) an ignition interlock provider for required service; and (6) other circumstances the court or the department finds would create an undue hardship. However, for purposes of federal transportation funding, federal law (23 USC §164) only allows the issuance of a limited driving privilege in connection with: (1) work; (2) attending school; (3) attending alcohol treatment programs; and (4) seeking the required services of an ignition interlock provider. In order to comply with federal law, section 302.309.3(2) must be amended so that a repeat offender limited driving privilege may only be granted for the four purposes authorized by Section 164. Under the terms of this act, the courts and the department will only be able to issue limited driving privileges to repeat offenders for the purpose of driving to or from the operator's place of employment, attending school, attending alcohol or drug treatment programs, and seeking the services of a certified ignition interlock device provider. Limited driving privileges may not be granted for seeking medical treatment or other circumstances that create undue hardships for the driver.

This act also modifies the "hard walk" provision contained in section 302.309.3(6)(a) from 30 days to 45 days in cases of a revocation so that certain repeat offenders will not be eligible for a limited driving privilege until such person has completed the first 45 days of the revocation.

Current Missouri law (Section 577.023) allows prior and persistent offenders to participate in and successfully complete a DWI court in lieu of jail time or community service. A prior or persistent offender may escape the statutory minimum days of imprisonment by performing community service or successfully completing a DWI court program. Federal law, however, does not authorize DWI courts as an alternative to mandatory jail or community service. Under the terms of this act, prior and persistent offenders may avoid the minimum days of imprisonment by performing community service and completing a DWI court program, if such program is available. The DWI court program or other treatment program must include the minimal periods of community service.

Currently, as an alternative to imprisonment, a prior offender of an intoxication-related traffic offense can perform at least 30 days of community service as one condition of being eligible for parole or probation and a persistent offender can perform at least 60 days of community service. This bill specifies that a prior offender must perform at least 30 days involving at least 240 hours of community service and a persistent offender must perform at least 60 days involving at least 480 hours of community service. These provisions are also contained in HB 199 (2011).

The intoxication-related offenses provisions are also contained in SS/SCS/SB 254 (2011).

HIGHWAY DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTS - This act authorizes the state Highways and Transportation Commission to enter into an additional design-build contract for the improvement of the bridge on US40/I-64 located in St. Louis County and St. Charles County (Daniel Boone Bridge). The act also extends the sunset date for the commission to enter into design-build project contracts. Under current law, the commission's authority to enter into design-build projects expires on July 1, 2012. This act extends the date to July 1, 2018 (Section 227.107). The act also limits the total amount of design-build contracts awarded by the commission in any state fiscal year to no more than 2% of the total number of all state highway system projects awarded to contracts for construction from projects listed in the commission's approved statewide transportation improvement project for that state fiscal year. A similar provision is also contained in the perfected version of SB 133 (2011).

RECREATIONAL OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE - The act modifies the definition of recreational off-highway vehicle by increasing its maximum width from 60" to 64" (Section 301.010).

BI-STATE FARE EVASION - This act requires persons convicted of failing to pay a fare for the use of Bi-State Development Agency facilities and conveyances to reimburse the reasonable costs attributable to the enforcement, investigation and prosecution of such offense to the agency (Section 70.441). This provision is also contained in SB 347 and HB 857 (2011).

FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT- Under current law, if a person fails to timely dispose of a traffic ticket, the court will notify the director of revenue of such fact and the director will suspend the offender's driver's license until such time the person settles the matter by paying the fines and applicable court costs. Upon proof of disposition of the charges, and payment of a reinstatement fee, the director will return the license and remove the suspension from the person's driver's record. This act modifies this provision so that a commercial motor vehicle operator or a holder of a commercial driver's license will not be eligible to have such a suspension removed from his or her driving record (Section 302.341). This provision is also contained in HCS/HB 818 (2011).

UNIFORM COMMERCIAL DRIVER'S LICENSE ACT - This act adds new definitions to Uniform Commercial Driver's License Act (sections 302.700 to 302.780) and makes modifications to current definitions relating to commercial driver license requirements to comply with Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations and support the implementation of the federal rule labeled "Medical Certification Requirements as part of the CDL". The act revises the definition section by adding the following terms:

1) CDLIS driver record;

2) CDLIS motor vehicle record;

3) Commercial driver's license downgrade;

4) Driver applicant;

5) Employee;

6) Endorsement;

7) Foreign;

8) Medical examiner;

9) Medical variance (section 302.700). This provision is also contained in HCS/HB 818 (2011).

CDL MEDICAL CERTIFICATION COMPLIANCE - This act implements a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation known as "Medical Certification Requirements as part of the CDL". This act requires commercial driver license applicants to complete certain self certifications and submit required medical examiner certification documents when applicable. The act specifies the certification process. Applicants certifying to the operation in nonexcepted interstate or nonexcepted intrastate commerce must provide the state with an original or copy of a current medical examiners certificate. The state is required to maintained such documents for a period of 3 years beyond the date the certificate was issued. The act requires applicants to provide updated medical certificates or variance documents in order to maintain commercial motor vehicle driving privileges. The director must post the medical examiners certificate information to the driver record within 10 calendar days of receipt and the information will become part of the CDLIS driver record. Under the act, any person who falsifies any information in an application for or an update of medical certification status information shall not be licensed to operate a commercial vehicle or the person's commercial driver's license must be canceled for a period of one year after the director discovers the falsification. This provision is also contained in HCS/HB 818 (2011) and HB 820 (2011) (Section 302.768).

PROOF OF PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES IN ORDER TO MOVE MANUFACTURED HOME - This act prohibits the issuance of oversize permits to manufactured home owners unless the owners pay all applicable property taxes on the manufactured homes. The owner of the manufactured home must obtain a property tax receipt from the county collector prior to obtaining a permit to transport the home (Section 304.200). A similar provision is also contained in HCS/SS/SCS/SB 58 (2011).

JOINT COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION OVERSIGHT - This act modifies the Senate membership of the Joint Committee on Transportation Oversight so that Senate membership shall be composed, as nearly as may be, of majority and minority party members in the same proportion as the number of majority and minority party members in the senate bears to the total membership of the senate. The act also requires the annual MoDOT report to be submitted no later than December 31st of each year (rather than November 10th) and requires the hearing on the report to be held no later than February 15th of each year (rather than December 1st)(Section 21.795).

LIVESTOCK HIGHWAY WEIGHT EXCEPTION - Under current law, the total gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles hauling livestock may be as much as, but shall not exceed, 85,500 pounds while operating on U.S. Highway 36 from St. Joseph to U.S. Highway 65 and on U.S. Highway 65 from the Iowa state line to U.S. Highway 36. This act expands the 85,500 pound livestock exception on U.S. Highway 36 from St. Joseph to U.S. Highway 63, and applies the extended weight limitation on U.S. Highway 63 from U.S. Highway 36 to the Iowa state line (Section 304.180)(SA 2).

MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS BY CERTAIN MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS - Under this act, a wholesale motor vehicle dealer that maintains an inventory of historic and non-historic motor vehicles in one licensed location, none of which are encumbered by a security interest, with an insured value in excess of $10,000,000, and sells or offers to sell motor vehicles primarily through public motor vehicle auctions or wholesale motor vehicle auctions shall be exempt from maintaining records at their licensed place of business as long as the records are maintained and available for inspection at another office site. The provision also exempts such wholesale dealers from maintaining or posting minimum hours of operation. The act defines "primarily" as 90% or more of the dealer's sales by dollar amount, in each calendar year, are through public motor vehicle auctions or wholesale motor vehicle auctions. The act establishes similar record keeping standards for new motor vehicle franchise dealers (Section 301.560).

INSPECTION OF SALVAGE POOL OPERATOR PREMISES - Under the terms of this act, representatives from the Department of Revenue may inspect the premises of salvage pool operators (Section 301.225).

FRAUDULENT PROCUREMENT OF TITLE, PLATES, ETC. - Under this act, if the Director of Revenue or a peace officer has probable cause to believe that a person has obtained a title, license plate, or license plate tab in a fraudulent manner, the person must surrender such items. Failure to surrender such items shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor (Section 301.425).

STAGGERING OF DEALER LICENSES -DEALER BIENNIAL REGISTRATIONS - This act authorizes the director to issue a dealer's license valid for a period of up to two years and to stagger the license periods for administrative efficiency and equalization of workload (Section 301.559).

PROCEDURE FOR REVOKING OR SUSPENDING A MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER'S LICENSE - The act provides that if a motor vehicle dealer who has his or her license suspended refuses to surrender his license and distinctive number license plates, then the department may direct a law enforcement officer to secure possession of the items.

The act establishes a new administrative procedure for revoking or suspending a motor vehicle dealer license in situations that are deemed to present a clear and present danger to the public welfare. For example, the director may suspend or revoke a dealer license under the new procedure if the dealer allows a corporate surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit to expire or be revoked without submitting replacement coverage. Alternatively, the failure to maintain a bona fide established place of business constitutes a ground for suspension or revocation. Suspension or revocation of a license under these grounds shall be administratively processed by the department through evidentiary hearings held by the director or the director's designated agent (the procedure foregoes the administrative hearing commission process established for other types of offenses). The act sets forth the administrative procedure and notice requirements for the suspension or revocation of a license (Section 301.562).

BIENNIAL REGISTRATION OPTION FOR LARGER VEHICLES - This act expands the number of commercial motor vehicle owners who will have the option of biennially registering their commercial motor vehicle. Under current law, the director may provide owners of motor vehicles, other than commercial motor vehicles licensed in excess of 12,000 pounds gross weight, the option of biennially registering motor vehicles. This act provides this option to owners of motor vehicles, other than commercial motor vehicles licensed in excess of 54,000 pounds (Section 301.147). This provision shall become effective July 1, 2012.

LAND RECLAMATION AND CERTAIN PERMITS PROHIBITED - This act provides that the land reclamation commission and the department of natural resources shall not issue any mining, air conservation, or water pollution permit to any person whose mine plan boundary is within 1,000 fee of an real property where an accredited school has been located for at least 5 years prior to the application of such permits. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any request for an expansion to an existing mine or to any underground mining operation (Section 444.771).

INCREASES PENALTIES FOR MOVING VIOLATIONS AND TRAFFIC OFFENSES OCCURRING WITHIN AN ACTIVE EMERGENCY ZONE - This act increases penalties for moving violations and traffic offenses occurring within an active emergency zone. Such a zone is defined under this act as an area that is visibly marked by emergency responders on, or around, a highway, and where an active emergency or incident removal is temporarily occurring.

Any person convicted of a first moving violation or traffic offense within an active emergency zone shall be assessed a fine of $35 in addition to any other fine authorized by law. A second or subsequent offense within an active emergency zone shall be assessed a fine of $75.

Under this act, it is a Class C misdemeanor to pass another vehicle in an active emergency zone. Those who plead guilty to, or are convicted of, a speeding or passing violation shall be assessed a fine of $250 in addition to any other fine authorized by law. A second or subsequent speeding or passing violation shall result in a $300 fine.

A person commits the offense of endangerment of an emergency responder if, while in an active emergency zone while emergency responders are present, the person:

(1) Exceeds the posted speed limit by 15 mph or more;

(2) Passes another vehicle;

(3) Fails to stop for a flagman, an emergency responder, or a traffic control signal in the active emergency zone;

(4) Drives through, or around, an active emergency zone via any lane that is not for motorists;

(5) Physically assaults, threatens, or attempts to assault an emergency responder with a motor vehicle or other instrument;

(6) Intentionally strikes or moves barrels, barriers, signs or other devices for a reason other than to avoid an obstacle, emergency, or to protect the health and safety of another person; or

(7) Commits various offenses that allow for the assessment of points under section 302.302.

When no injury or death results, a person who pleads guilty to, or is convicted of, endangering an emergency responder shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000. If a death or injury results, the person commits aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder. The penalty for aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder is a fine of not more than $5,000 if a responder is injured, and not more than $10,000 if death resulted. The act provides for the assessment of 4 points for endangerment of an emergency responder and 12 points for aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder. If a person commits endangerment or aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder as a result of a vehicle's mechanical failure or the negligence of another person, then the person shall not be cited for, or convicted of, such offenses. This section is similar to provisions of SCS/SB 260 (2011), HCS/SCS/SB 887 (2010), HCS/HB 1541 (2010), and HB 1693 (2010)(sections 302.302, 304.890, 304.892, and 304.894)(SA 9).

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS PLATES - Under current law, to obtain a Breast Cancer Awareness special license plate, a person must pay a $25 emblem-use authorization fee to the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council and submit to the director of the Department of Revenue an application along with an emblem-use authorization statement issued by the council. This act requires the emblem-use authorization fee to be paid to the newly established Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. The act further replaces the words "MISSOURI WOMEN'S COUNCIL" with "BREAST CANCER AWARENESS" on the special license plate (Section 301.3084)(SA 12).

LOCAL CONTROL VIS-À-VIS OUTDOOR ADVERTISING REGULATIONS - Under this act, local regulations relating to billboard size, height, lighting, and spacing may be more restrictive than state law standards provided such local regulations allow for customary usage and comply with the intent of state law. Local regulations may not prohibit off-premise outdoor advertising structures on commercial or industrial property within 660 feet of federal aid primary or interstate highways. As used in this act, the term "prohibit" shall only mean an absolute prohibition of outdoor advertising, and shall not be interpreted as limiting local authorities' discretion in determining appropriate size, height, lighting, and spacing provisions, or in determining appropriate zoning districts for outdoor advertising or imposing other regulations deemed necessary by the local authorities (section 226.540). A provision similar to this may be found in SB 120 (2011).

RESETTING OF BILLBOARDS DURING PERIODS OF HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION - Under this act, on the date the commission approves funding for any phase or portion of construction or reconstruction of any street or highway, the rules in effect for outdoor advertising on August 27, 1999, shall be reinstated for that section of highway scheduled for construction and there shall immediately be a moratorium imposed on the issuance of state sign permits for new sign structures. Owners of existing signs which meet the requirements for outdoor advertising in effect on August 27, 1999, and the requirements of the federal/state agreement and who voluntarily execute a partial waiver and reset agreement may reset such signs on the same or adjoining property (subsection 3). Such reset agreements shall be contingent upon obtaining any required local approval to reset the sign structure. Any sign which has been reset must still comply with the August 27, 1999 outdoor advertising regulations after it has been reset. Owners of existing signs who elect to reset qualifying signs shall receive compensation representing the actual cost to reset the existing sign. Signs which have been reset under the act must be reconstructed of the same type materials and may not exceed the square footage of the original sign structure. Sign owners may elect to reset existing qualifying signs by executing a partial waiver and reset agreement with the commission. Upon the completion of construction on any section of highway, the moratorium on new permits shall be lifted and the rules for outdoor advertising in effect on the date the construction is completed shall apply to such section of highway. Local zoning authorities may prohibit the resetting of qualifying signs which fail to comply with local regulations. The act requires all signs to be subject to biennial inspection fees (Section 226.541). This section is also contained in SB 120 (2011).


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