
SB 6 - This act establishes the Missouri Science and Innovation Reinvestment Act. The act requires the advise and consent of the Senate for Gubernatorial appointments to the Missouri Technology Corporation's board of directors and sets the terms and requirements for the various members of the board of directors. The powers and duties of the Missouri Technology Corporation are expanded to allow the corporation to assume all monies and assets of the Missouri Seed Capital Investment Board and to establish a proof of concept finance program, an angel investment finance program, and a venture capital co-investment fund. The act provides application, approval, and reporting requirements for programs established by the Missouri Technology Corporation. In addition to the exceptions to open records and meetings requirements provided under the Sunshine Law, the act authorizes the Missouri Technology Corporation to close certain meetings and records held by the corporation. The directors of the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Revenue must annually determine the incremental increase in gross wages paid within the state to science and innovation employees and apply a formula to such amount to determine the amount of funding necessary to administer the programs of the corporation. Once a determination is made, the directors of the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Revenue must report their findings to the Governor and the General Assembly. The act replaces the Missouri Technology Fund with the Missouri Science and Innovation Reinvestment Fund, which will receive annual appropriations made by the General Assembly, based upon recommendations made by the directors of the Departments of Economic Development and Revenue, and contributions made by private entities, the federal government, and local governments. The act requires that any contract entered into between the corporation and any not-for-profit organization must provide at least a one hundred percent match of funding received from the corporation.

This act is similar to provisions contained in the SS/SCS/HCS/HB's 116 & 316 (2011).


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