
SB 533 - Under this act a certificate of need shall not be required for a proposed project which creates ten or more new full-time jobs. The person proposing the project is required to submit a letter of intent and a report of the number of jobs and such other information as may be required by the Health Facilities Review Committee to document the basis for not requiring a certificate of need. If the letter of intent and report document that ten or more new full-time jobs shall be created, the committee shall respond within thirty days to such person with an approval of the non-applicability of a certificate of need. No job that was created prior to the approval of non-applicability of a certificate of need shall be deemed a new job. For purposes of this amendment, a "full-time employee" means an employee of the person that is scheduled to work an average of at least thirty-five hours per week for a twelve-month period, and one for which the person offers health insurance and pays at least fifty-percent of such insurance premiums.

These provisions are substantially similar to provisions in SB 10 (Special Session 2011).


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