
SB 667 - This act authorizes the establishment of a peer review process for architects, landscape architects, professional land surveyors, and professional engineers.

This act only applies to licensed architects, landscape architects, professional land surveyors, and professional engineers reviewing the type of documents that such a license would be required to draft.

Third-party peer reviewers and any post-project completion peer reviewers are granted immunity from civil liability for their actions if they are reasonably related to the peer review process, in good faith, and without malice. Certain documents created during the peer review process by a person immune from civil liability will also be privileged and inadmissible in any judicial or administrative action. A person who participated in an immune peer review shall not be permitted or required to disclose information they learned from the peer review process.

This act does not limit the authority of the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to obtain information from a peer reviewer.

This act is similar to HB 1280 (2012) and SB 326 (2011).


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