Bills assigned to Veterans' Affairs, Emerging Issues, Pensions and Urban Affairs

SB 478 - Crowell - Eliminates certain employee benefits for members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials who first take office on or after January 1, 2013
SB 479 - Crowell - Eliminates certain employee benefits for members of the General Assembly and statewide elected officials who first take office on or after January 1, 2013
SB 492 - Crowell - Modifies retirement benefits for new members of the general assembly and statewide elected officials and modifies interest paid on retirement refunds
SB 625 - Kehoe - Modifies fund transfers between retirement systems, modifies retirement for certain public officials, and sets interest paid on member contributions at T-Bill rate
SB 669 - Lembke - Modifies the retirement plans for judges, statewide elected officials, and members of the General Assembly who first take office after January 1, 2013
SB 672 - Brown - Modifies higher education course credit requirements and healthcare-related professional licensure requirements for members of the armed forces
SB 702 - Pearce - Renames the Heroes at Homes program the Show-Me Heroes program and modifies the provisions relating to it
SB 715 - Kraus - Allows the Adjutant General to waive the age limit for service in the state militia and repeals a complaint procedure for the state militia
SB 728 - Pearce - Modifies provisions relating to the Veterans' Commission and veterans' affairs
SB 731 - Brown - Establishes procedures to follow in child custody and visitation cases for military personnel
SB 756 - Engler - Modifies provisions regarding certain higher education employees' retirement
SB 768 - Kraus - Authorizes circuit courts to create veterans treatment courts
SB 840 - Ridgeway - Requires certain businesses to use an automated system for the collection of sales and use taxes
SB 842 - Lamping - Modifies the Public School Retirement System of Missouri and the Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri
SB 844 - Lamping - Modifies provisions relating to the Public Service Commission
SB 852 - Crowell - Places newly hired St. Louis City firemen into a new retirement system if the city adopts such a new system
SB 853 - Crowell - Removes St. Louis City firemen hired after August 28, 2012 from the current retirement system and places them in a new system
SB 857 - Brown - Allows certain funds collected for a sheriff's operating costs to be used to supplement the sheriff's base salary
SB 869 - Kehoe - Modifies provisions pertaining to the Public Service Commission, Office of Public Counsel, and nuclear plant development cost recovery
SB 902 - Lamping - Modifies provisions relating to funding for the Office of Public Counsel and temporary rate adjustments for regulated utilities
HB 1039 - Leara - Allows LAGERS retirees to deduct premiums for health insurance or long-term care from their retirement allowance
HB 1105 - Day - Allows the Adjutant General to waive the age limit for service in the state militia
HB 1110 - Barnes - Authorizes circuit courts to create veterans treatment courts
HB 1128 - Largent - Authorizes certain military honors and days of observance
HB 1139 - Gatschenberger - Creates the 2012 State Employee Retirement Incentive Program for early retirement
HB 1256 - Diehl - Modifies provisions relating to the judiciary
HB 1331 - Jones - Modifies fund transfers between retirements systems, modifies retirement for certain public officials, and sets interest paid on member contributions at T-Bill rate
HB 1347 - Franz - Provides a bidding preference for veteran-owned businesses for state purchases
HB 1517 - Nolte - Authorizes the issuance of a military medallion, medal and certificate to certain veterans who served in a unit of the Missouri National Guard during specified conflicts
HB 1574 - Meadows - Allows a person to apply for a veteran designation on his or her driver's license or identification card upon providing specified proof of service
HB 1680 - Davis - Renames the Heroes at Homes program the Show-Me Heroes program and modifies the provisions relating to it
HB 1731 - Day - Modifies how gaming funds are used
HB 1741 - Leara - Modifies provisions relating to the County Employees' Retirement System and the College and University Retirement Program
HJR 45 - Solon - Amends the Constitution to require the development and sale of a veterans lottery ticket
HJR 71 - Elmer - Amends the constitution to exempt personal property of active duty military personnel from taxation
HJR 85 - Solon - Amends the Constitution to require the development and sale of electronic pull-tab cards