SB 546 |
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Imposes campaign contribution limits |
SB 605 |
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Eliminates duplicate filing of campaign finance disclosure reports |
SB 825 |
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Imposes campaign contribution limits |
SB 826 |
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Modifies the law relating to ethics |
SB 851 |
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Bars legislators from lobbying and serving on boards commissions and committees for two years after leaving office |
SB 867 |
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Categorizes site consultants as executive lobbyists |
SCR 14 |
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Restates the mission of the Missouri-Israel Cooperative Agreement |
SCR 15 |
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Urges Congress to support a plan for the Upper Mississippi River Basin that provides flood-control without adverse impacts on existing levees and communities |
SCR 16 |
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Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to modify its river management protocol to make flood control a top priority |
SCR 17 |
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Urges the use of the slogan "The Great Rivers State" by the State of Missouri |
SCR 18 |
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Rescinds Missouri's 1983 call for a constitutional convention |
SCR 19 |
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Disapproves the new values for agricultural and horticultural property filed by the State Tax Commission |
SCR 20 |
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Authorizes the Department of Economic Development to approve certain investments under the New Markets Development Program |
SCR 21 |
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Urges Congress to support greater domestic development of North American sources of oil and approve the Keystone XL pipeline project |
SCR 22 |
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Urges ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution |
SCR 23 |
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Urges Congress to further address the issue of allowing the interstate sale of state-inspected meat and poultry |
SCR 24 |
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Urges the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to rescind its newly published rule regarding hours of service and refrain from adopting regulations concerning sleep apnea and other measures affecting the trucking industry |
SCR 25 |
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Urges the federal government to manage the Mississippi River to protect against devastating flood events |
SCR 26 |
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Establishes the Joint Interim Committee on Transportation Needs to study the transportation infrastructure needs of Missouri |
SCR 27 |
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Applies for a constitutional convention for proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution to require a balanced budget and restrict increases in taxes |
SR 1762 |
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Urges religious freedom for the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Turkey |
SR 2075 |
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Declares May 3, 2012, the Missouri Day of Prayer |
HCR 3 |
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Submits to the U.S. Congress a request for a federal balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution |
HCR 6 |
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Strongly urges Congress and the Administration to immediately seek long-term and short-term solutions to the rapidly rising fuel costs in this country |
HCR 7 |
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Reaffirms Missouri's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment |
HCR 8 |
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Disapproves the new values for agricultural and horticultural property filed by the State Tax Commission |
HCR 11 |
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Designates October 3, 2012 as "Missouri Animal Agriculture Day" |
HCR 12 |
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Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the state emblem for service and sacrifice by members of the armed forces |
HCR 13 |
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Demands that federal and state policies for stream management be based on sound science and historically effective landowner practices |
HCR 18 |
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Designates April 2012 as "Donate Life Month" in Missouri |
HCR 22 |
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Encourages the Missouri Veterans Commission to work with women veterans to address their needs and formally honors women veterans in Missouri |
HCR 25 |
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Recognizes the important health and educational services provided by professional school nurses and urges school districts to recognize their dedication and value |
HCR 30 |
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Urges the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to manage the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers to protect against devastating flood events and restore flood-damaged levees |
HCR 31 |
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Urges Congress to support a plan for the Upper Mississippi River Basin that provides flood-control without adverse impacts on existing levees and communities |
HCR 32 |
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Calls on Congress to enact legislation that directs at least 40% of Land and Water Conservation Fund moneys annually to the states |
HCR 33 |
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Reauthorizes the Joint Interim Committee on State Employee Wages |
HCR 36 |
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Reaffirms the relationship between the United States and Israel |
HCR 37 |
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Urges Congress to support greater domestic development of North American sources of oil and approve the Keystone XL pipeline project |
HCR 41 |
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Declares the General Assembly's oppostion to the newest federal regulation concerning the coverage of FDA-approved forms of contraception and sterilization procedures |
HCR 42 |
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Endorses the "Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children's Bill of Rights" |
HCR 43 |
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Encourages school boards, in conjunction with the Missouri Youth Sport Shooting Alliance, to voluntarily promote and include trapshooting as a high school sport for the youth of Missouri |
HCR 46 |
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Urges Ameren Missouri, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and Lake of the Ozarks property owners to develop a shoreline management plan that respects property rights |
HCR 47 |
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Urges the US Department of Defense to protect Missouri military bases |
HCR 49 |
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Calls on Congress to disapprove the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed regulation on Mercury and Air Toxics Standards |
HCR 52 |
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Strongly urges the National Park Service to draft its final General Management Plan for the Ozark National Scenic Riverways to recognize the importance the riverways provides to the state |
HCR 53 |
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Revises the summary statement for House Committee Substitute #2 for Senate Joint Resolution #2 (2011) |