Bills assigned to Small Business, Insurance and Industry

SB 435 - Crowell - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and bars them from withholding earnings from paychecks
SB 439 - Mayer - Modifies the law relating to the prevailing wage
SB 459 - Wright-Jones - Requires those engaging in public works projects to employ individuals from the locality in which the project is being constructed
SB 464 - Schaaf - Prohibits the establishment and operation of health insurance exchanges in Missouri unless certain criteria are met
SB 468 - Munzlinger - Modifies the law relating to project labor agreements and the prevailing wage
SB 505 - Wright-Jones - Requires health carriers to devote a certain percentage of health insurance premiums to be used for the payment of health care services
SB 507 - Wright-Jones - Requires health insurance policies to cover ultrasound screenings where mammograms demonstrate dense breast tissue
SB 526 - Schaaf - Requires health carriers to credential health care professionals within 60 calendar days of receipt of complete application
SB 534 - Schaaf - Prohibits insurers from denying reimbursement for providing diagnostic imaging services based solely on the speciality or professional board certification of a licensed physician
SB 540 - Chappelle-Nadal - Bars discriminatory employers from receiving public works contracts and requires employers to provide cause to terminated employees
SB 553 - Brown - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and bars them from withholding earnings from paychecks
SB 560 - Ridgeway - Prohibits the establishment and operation of health insurance exchanges in Missouri unless certain criteria are met
SB 565 - Schaaf - Modifies the membership of the Missouri Health Insurance Pool
SB 572 - Dempsey - Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation
SB 577 - Goodman - Requires health benefit plans to establish equal out-of-pocket requirements for oral anticancer medications and intravenously administered chemotherapy medications
SB 593 - Parson - Prohibits health carriers from denying reimbursement to licensed athletic trainers who provide covered services within their scope of practice
SB 596 - Brown - Modifies the law relating to prevailing wage and project labor agreements
SB 616 - Wasson - Requires homeowner insurance companies to offer sinkhole coverage
SB 619 - Richard - Modifies Missouri's valued policy statute to cover all perils covered under a policy rather than just loss caused by fire
SB 620 - Rupp - Modifies various provisions related to health and life insurance
SB 622 - Cunningham - Requires a health carrier that provides coverage for prescription eye drops to cover a refill without regard to a restriction for an early refill if it is authorized by the prescribing health care provider
SB 624 - Lembke - Requires Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company to transition into a private mutual insurance company by January 1, 2014
SB 634 - Pearce - Requires insurer to provide coverage for eating disorders
SB 644 - Schaefer - Requires reimbursement amounts paid by health carriers to licensed physical therapists to be uniform regardless of the setting or venue in which the health care services are rendered
SB 657 - Rupp - Provides for the conscience rights of all individuals who provide medical services
SB 660 - Schmitt - Requires Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company to transition into a private mutual insurance company by January 1, 2013, and requires it to transfer $127 million of its surplus to General Revenue
SB 687 - Schmitt - Requires copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles charged for physical therapist services to be no greater than those charged for the same services provided by primary care physicians or osteopaths
SB 696 - Kraus - Allows uninsured motor vehicles to be towed under certain circumstances and increases fines, suspensions and reinstatement fees for certain uninsured motorists
SB 697 - Wasson - Expands the civil immunity provided to insurers for furnishing information related to insurance fraud investigations
SB 749 - Lamping - Provides protection for religious beliefs as to the imposition of certain health care services such as abortion, contraception, or sterilization
SB 807 - Dempsey - Modifies the law relating to the Second Injury Fund
SB 816 - Kraus - Redefines "misconduct" and "good cause" for the purposes of disqualification from unemployment benefits
SB 829 - Crowell - Modifies the law relating to the Second Injury Fund
SB 835 - Kehoe - Modifies references to fireworks classifications
SB 856 - Rupp - Establishes the "Senate Interim Committee on the Structure of the Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company" to study whether MEMIC should be sold, privatized, or have its current structure modified
SB 866 - Lembke - Requires Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company to transition into a private mutual insurance company by January 1, 2014
SB 878 - Mayer - Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation
SB 886 - Engler - Subjects 383 malpractice associations to stricter surplus and solvency regulations
SB 905 - Mayer - Allows certain political subdivisions to contract out engineering, water quality management, and maintenance services on existing water storage tanks
HB 1112 - Gosen - Modifies various provisions related to health and life insurance
HB 1134 - Scharnhorst - Prohibits health carriers from imposing copays that exceed 50% of the total cost of providing any single physical therapy service and prohibits fee capping for non-covered optometric services
HB 1214 - Torpey - Requires Missouri small business technology centers to manage a virtual network for entrepreneurs
HB 1231 - Cauthorn - Gives state purchasing preference to Missouri forest products and bricks
HB 1329 - Silvey - Modifies the law regarding the issuance of temporary permit tags and the collection of sales taxes on motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors
HB 1403 - Schatz - Modifies the law relating to workers' compensation
HB 1495 - Nance - Expands the civil immunity provided to insurers for furnishing information related to insurance fraud investigations
HB 1540 - Jones - Modifies the law relating to co-employee liability in workers' compensation
HB 1576 - Largent - Allows certain foster parents to purchase health insurance through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
HB 1827 - Richardson - Establishes the Missouri Electronic Prior Authorization Committee and pilot program
HB 1854 - Grisamore - Modifies provisions relating to services provided to individuals with disabilities
HB 1890 - Molendorp - Enacts various health insurance and medical malpractice insurance laws