Bills Sponsored by Senator Brown

SB 517 - Imposes an additional $1,500 fine for failing to drive in the right-hand lane
SB 551 - Exempts feed for captive wildlife and seed, limestone, and fertilizer used for crops to be fed to captive wildlife from state and local sales tax
SB 552 - Adds veterinarians to the statute of limitations for medical malpractice actions against certain health care providers
SB 553 - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to use dues and fees to make political contributions and bars them from withholding earnings from paychecks
SB 557 - Modifies the law with respect to the issuance of certificates of titles
SB 564 - Waives the motorcycle roads skills test for members of the armed forces who have successfully completed certain military motorcycle rider training courses
SB 566 - Requires owners of dogs and cats under suspicion of carrying rabies to provide documentation of vaccination or else surrender the animal
SB 596 - Modifies the law relating to prevailing wage and project labor agreements
SB 621 - Amends various provisions regarding the licensure and inspection of hospitals
SB 637 - Specifies that certain training requirements only apply to applications for new concealed carry endorsements
SB 672 - Modifies higher education course credit requirements and healthcare-related professional licensure requirements for members of the armed forces
SB 673 - Modifies law regarding motor vehicle licensing and driver's licenses
SB 731 - Establishes procedures to follow in child custody and visitation cases for military personnel
SB 742 - Modifies provisions relating to health care including credentialing of health care professionals, medical records and pharmacy
SB 743 - Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle
SB 748 - Extends the sunset on the wood energy producers tax credit and caps the amount of tax credits available under the program each fiscal year
SB 772 - Enacts provisions regarding the prescribing and administering of abortion-inducing drugs
SB 792 - Classifies a retailer with a machine that processes tobacco into a roll or tube as a manufacturer of cigarettes
SB 814 - Modifies provisions relating to state land survey duties
SB 857 - Allows certain funds collected for a sheriff's operating costs to be used to supplement the sheriff's base salary
HB 1072 - Establishes the Volunteer Health Services Act to allow for licensed health care professionals to provide volunteer services for a sponsoring organization
HB 1123 - Amends various provisions regarding the licensure and inspection of hospitals
HB 1134 - Prohibits health carriers from imposing copays that exceed 50% of the total cost of providing any single physical therapy service and prohibits fee capping for non-covered optometric services
HB 1150 - Modifies the law with respect to the issuance of certificates of titles
HB 1337 - Allows high schools to provide instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation beginning the 2014-2015 school year
HB 1442 - Creates procedures for filling vacancies for the offices of U.S. Senator and certain statewide elected officials
HCR 12 - Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the state emblem for service and sacrifice by members of the armed forces

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