SB 159 Requires parity between the out-of-pocket expenses charged for physical therapist services and the out-of-pocket expenses charged for similar services provided by primary care physicians
1/16/2013 S First Read--SB 159-Schmitt, et al S92
1/31/2013 Second Read and Referred S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee S182
2/26/2013 Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee
3/12/2013 SCS Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee - (0202S.02C)
3/28/2013 Reported from S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee to Floor w/SCS S607
4/8/2013 Taken up for perfection S675
4/8/2013 Bill Placed on Informal Calendar S675
4/9/2013 SS for SCS S offered & adopted (Schmitt)--(0202S.04F) S684
4/9/2013 Perfected S684
4/9/2013 Reported Truly Perfected S Rules Committee S712
4/9/2013 Referred S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee S716
4/15/2013 Voted Do Pass S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee
4/16/2013 Reported from S Governmental Accountability and Fiscal Oversight Committee to Floor S764
4/16/2013 S Third Read and Passed S774
4/17/2013 H First Read H1337
4/18/2013 H Second Read H1344
4/18/2013 Referred H General Laws Committee H1367
4/23/2013 Hearing Conducted H General Laws Committee
4/30/2013 Voted Do Pass H General Laws Committee
4/30/2013 Reported Do Pass H General Laws Committee H1651
4/30/2013 Referred to H Rules Committee H1651
5/2/2013 Voted Do Pass H Rules Committee
5/2/2013 Reported Do Pass H Rules Committee H1919
5/6/2013 H Third Read and Passed H1945-1946 / S1306
5/6/2013 Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed S1306
5/22/2013 Reported Duly Enrolled S Rules Committee S2434
5/22/2013 Signed by Senate President Pro Tem S2434-2435
5/22/2013 Signed by House Speaker H3330-3331
5/22/2013 Delivered to Governor S2438
6/25/2013 Signed by Governor S2466
