
HCS/HB 110 - This act modifies the law relating to elections.


For the purposes of gubernatorial writs of election to fill vacancies for House and Senate members, the act defines "without delay" to means holding an election not later than 6 months from the time the Governor receives any resignation or notice of vacancy.

VACANCIES FOR STATEWIDE OFFICES (26.016, 27.015, 28.190, 29.280, 30.030, 30.60, 30.080, 105.030, 105.031, 105.040, 105.050, 115.365)

Currently, when a vacancy occurs in the office of United States Senator and other statewide elected officials, other than Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. This act provides that when there is a vacancy in the office of United States Senator, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, or State Treasurer, the Governor shall appoint an acting officer until a successor is elected at the next scheduled election for that office or at a special election as described in the act.

No person appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy is eligible to be a candidate for the office to which the person was appointed in the immediately following election for the office but may be a candidate for that office after one intervening election has been held. In the case of an impeachment trial for these offices, the acting officer will supervise these offices until the impeached officer is reinstated after acquittal, or if such impeached officer is convicted, for the remainder of the term or until a special election winner takes office.

Candidates for such offices shall be selected by party nominating committees.


Certain third class cities are allowed to eliminate, by ordinance or order, primary elections for mayor and councilmen offices. Any person wishing to become a candidate for these offices must file a statement of candidacy with the city clerk in order to be placed on the ballot.


The presidential primary is changed from February to March.


Currently, in cases where the candidate filed or a petition for a ballot question was filed in the Secretary of State's office, the candidate or petitioner is allowed a recount if the candidate or measure was defeated by less than 1%. This act changes that threshold to less than 1/2 of 1%.

This act contains an emergency clause.

This act is similar to HB 503 (2011), HB 694 (2011), HB 1183 (2011), HCS/SCS/SB 270 (2011), HB 107 (2011), HB 171 (2011), CCS/HCS/SB 282 (2011), HCS/HB 1442 (2012), HB 163 (2013), HB 54 (2013).


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