Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HCS/HB 110 - This act requires the office of Lieutenant Governor to remain vacant, in the case of a vacancy, for the remainder of the term until a successor is elected. In the case of an impeachment, the office shall remain vacant during the pendency of the impeachment. If the Lieutenant Governor is acquitted, he or she shall be reinstated in office. During the period of any vacancy, the chief administrative assistant of the vacating Lieutenant Governor shall perform all ministerial duties, but shall not perform official duties such as presiding over the Senate.

These provisions contains an emergency clause.

Current statute provides that all public administrators are to be elected in the county or city they serve. This act will make the St. Louis City public administrator an appointed position. The public administrator will be appointed by a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd judicial circuit. The qualifications and requirements for this appointed position will be the same as those for elected public administrators.

This act is similar to SCS/SB 82 (2013) and SB 99 (2013).


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