Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HCS/HB 110 - This act modifies the law relating to the selection of public officials.


This act requires the Governor to issue a writ of election to fill a vacancy of Lieutenant Governor within 30 days of the vacancy for an election to be held at the next general election. In the case of impeachment, the office shall remain vacant until the impeachment is determined. The chief administrative assistant shall perform only ministerial duties during the vacancy. Duties as president of the Senate shall be performed by the president pro tempore of the Senate.

These provisions contain an emergency clause and are similar to those found in SCS/SB 82 (2013).


The Governor is barred from making interim appointments to the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners.


This act also modifies the membership of the county political party committees in Jackson County.

Under current law, the committee's membership is comprised of two members from each ward, six members from the second and third most populous townships outside of the city and four members from the other townships outside the city. The election authority is required to divide the portion of Kansas City located within Jackson county into wards.

Under this act, members of the county committee shall be elected from the state representative districts. Two men and two women shall be elected from a district wholly contained in the county, two men and two women shall be elected from a district predominantly contained in the county, and one man and one woman shall be elected from a district that is partially but not predominantly contained in the county.

This provision is identical to a provision in SB 395 (2013), SS/HCS/HB 199 (2013), and HCS/HB 348 (2013).


Current statute provides that all public administrators are to be elected in the county or city they serve. This act will make the St. Louis City public administrator an appointed position. The public administrator will be appointed by a majority of the circuit and associate circuit judges of the 22nd judicial circuit. The qualifications and requirements for this appointed position will be the same as those for elected public administrators.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/HCS/HB 199 (2013) and the truly agreed HCS/SB 99 (2013) and HB 163(2013) that were both signed by the Governor.


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