Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

CCS/SS/SCS/HB 307 - This act modifies provisions relating to emergency service providers.


Under this act, political subdivisions cannot prohibit first responders from engaging in political activity while off duty and not in uniform or being a candidate for or holding a public office unless the activity or candidacy is otherwise prohibited by law.

This act repeals provisions of law which currently prohibit any employee or officer of the Kansas City Police Department from belonging to a political party committee, being a ward committeeman or committeewoman, or making contributions of any kind for political activity. Also repealed is a provision that prohibits any person from soliciting a police employee, officer, or a member of the police board for any political purpose.

Current law prohibits a Kansas City officer or employee from soliciting any person to vote for or against a candidate for public office, "poll precincts", or be connected with similar political work for a political organization, party, or candidate. Under this act, those activities are only prohibited while the officer or employee is on duty or in uniform.

Provisions of this act are identical to SB 216 (2013) and are similar to SB 419 (2011), SB 18 (2007), SB 189 (2009), and SB 579 (2010).

REMOVAL OF POLICE CHIEFS - Sections 77.046, 78.340, 79.240, 80.420, 84.120, 84.490, 84.830, 85.551, 106.270, 106.273

This act creates a process for removing a non-elected police chief from office by an appointing authority or the governing body of the political subdivision employing the officer. This act defines just cause for the police chief's removal. In addition, this act provides that the Chief of the Kansas City Police Department may only be removed, suspended, or demoted for cause and provides a list of reasons that may constitute cause. A provision of current law providing that adverse employment actions taken by the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners against the Chief are not subject to judicial review.

This act specifies that provisions of law relating to third and fourth class cities, towns and villages, and the Governor shall not be construed as authorizing such entities or the Governor to remove or discharge a police chief.

This provision is similar to HCS/HB 335 (2013) and to a provision of HCS/HB 468 (2013).

TRAFFIC LAWS ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES - Sections 174.700-174.712 & 544.157

This act allows the governing body of any state college or university to establish regulations to control vehicular traffic on campus. Any such regulations must be consistent with state law. The governing body of any state college or university may also enforce any such regulations and general motor vehicle laws of Missouri through college or university police officers. Any regulations adopted must be codified, printed, and distributed for public use. There must be adequate signs displaying the speed limit on thoroughfares. Violations will have the same effect as a municipal ordinance, as well as penalty provisions and points. State college or university police officers must be certified under the requirements of Chapter 590 and will have the same powers as other law enforcement officers.

This provision is similar to the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SCS/HB 103 (2013), HCS/HB 468 (2013), SB 296 (2013) and HCS/HB 312 (2013).


This act allows the Department of Health and Senior Services to certify community paramedics. A community paramedic must be currently certified as a paramedic, have successfully completed an approved community paramedic certification program, and completed an application. No person may hold himself or herself out as a community paramedic or provide community paramedic services unless the person is certified.

An ambulance service must enter into a written contract to provide community paramedic services in another ambulance service area. The contract may be for an indefinite period of time as long as it includes at least a 60-day cancellation notice by either ambulance service.

This provision is identical to a provision of HCS/HB 335 (2013) and a provision of the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HB 336 (2013).


Under current law, many officers and employees of the state or a political subdivision may not also hold office as the director of a fire protection district in certain counties. This act exempts fire protection districts in the counties of Boone, Callaway, and Cole from this prohibition on district directors.

This provision is identical to a provision of HCS/HB 335 (2013) and a provision of the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HB 336 (2013).


Under current law, candidates for a fire protection district board of directors must pay a $10 filing fee. This act provides that the filing fee shall be up to $50, which is the amount provided under statute for a candidate for state representative.

This provision is identical to a provision of HCS/HB 335 (2013) and a provision of the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HB 336 (2013).


Under current law, when certain cities annex property located within the boundaries of a fire protection district, the city takes over fire protection service for that property and the fire protection district can no longer collect taxes upon such property. This act provides that when the City of De Soto annexes property located within a fire protection district, the district and not the city continues to provide fire and emergency medical services to the annexed property.

The fire protection district may not tax the annexed area except for any bonded indebtedness that existed prior to the annexation. The annexing city must pay the district an amount equal to that which the fire protection district would have levied on all taxable property within the annexed area.

This provision is identical to a provision of the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/HB 336 (2013).


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