Senate Committee Substitute

SCS/HB 142 - This act modifies provisions relating to utilities.

RATEMAKING FOR WATER UTILITIES (Section 393.320) - This act specifies the ratemaking for a small water utility being acquired by a large water utility. Upon acquisition, small water utilities shall become part of a large water utility that is either contiguous, closest geographically, or best suited to acquire the small water utility. The small water utility acquired by a large water public utility shall become part of an existing service area for ratemaking purposes whether or not the procedures for establishing a ratemaking rate base have been utilized. The Public Service Commission shall approve the consolidation in its order approving the acquisition. This section is similar to a provision contained in SB 297 (2013).

ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS (Section 393.1075) - Currently, a customer of an electric company is not eligible to receive a monetary incentive offered by the company for an energy efficiency program if the customer has received a tax credit for low-income housing or historic preservation. This act makes an exception to this restriction for low-income programs and program participants. This section is similar to SB 275 (2013).


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