Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SS/SCS/HB 142 - This act modifies provisions relating to utilities.

CUSTOMER-OWNED SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS (Section 137.100) - This act exempts solar energy systems not held for resale from taxation for state, county, or local purposes.

WATER UTILITIES (Sections 386.370, 393.190, 393.320) - Currently, water and sewer corporations are treated separately for the purpose of determining the Public Service Commission assessment. This act will combine all water and sewer corporations into one group of public utilities for assessment purposes.

This section is identical to provisions contained in SB 335 (2013), HB 789 (2013), and HCS/SB 294 (2013).

This act requires that any person, public utility, or other corporation who wishes to acquire fifty percent or more of the total stock issued by the small water or sewer corporation to notify the Public Service Commission 30 days prior to the acquisition. No small water or sewer corporation that is delinquent in filing an annual report with the Public Service Commission or is in violation of any Public Service Commission or Missouri Department of Natural Resources rules or regulations shall sell or transfer fifty percent or more of its total stock without consent of the Public Service Commission.

This section is identical to a provisions contained in HCS/SB 294 (2013), SB 334 (2013), and HB 788 (2013).

This act specifies the ratemaking for a small water utility being acquired by a large water utility. Upon acquisition, small water utilities shall become part of a large water utility that is either contiguous, closest geographically, or best suited to acquire the small water utility. The small water utility acquired by a large water public utility shall become part of an existing service area for ratemaking purposes whether or not the procedures for establishing a ratemaking rate base have been utilized. The Public Service Commission shall approve the consolidation in its order approving the acquisition.

This section is similar to a provision contained in SB 297 (2013).

JOINT MUNICIPAL UTILITY COMMISSION ACT (Section 393.760) - This act removes the public voting procedure option for municipal bonds that indebt the commission and instead allows the governing bodies of each contracting municipality to vote for such bonds. This vote must be approved by 3/4 of all governing bodies of the contracting municipalities.

This section is identical to a section contained in SCS/SB 297 (2013) and HCS/SB 294 (2013).

RENEWABLE ENERGY STANDARD (Section 393.1030) - This amendment makes available solar rebates to customers of electric utilities. It allows electric utilities to assess the difference in cost for generating energy by least-cost renewable sources compared to entirely non-renewable sources. Until June 2020, if the maximum average retail rate is less than or equal to 1% of the utility's solar-related projects, then additional solar rebates may be paid that would produce a retail rate increase as set forth in this amendment. If the payment of additional rebates exceeds 1% of the electric utility's solar-related projects, the costs may be recoverable. The amount of the customer rebate is determined by the date that the solar electric system is operational. If, however, the electric utility determines that it will reach the maximum average retail rate increase in a calendar year, the utility may stop paying rebates after the Public Service Commission determines if the utility has actually reached the maximum average retail rate increase. As a condition of receiving the rebate, the customer shall transfer to the electric utility all renewable energy credits associated with the solar electric system for ten years. Nothing in this act shall prohibit an electrical corporation from offering rebates after July 1, 2020 through an approved tariff.

This section is substantially similar to provisions contained in SCS/SB 396 (2013) and SB 420 (2013).

ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS (Section 393.1075) - Under current law, a customer of an electric company is not eligible to receive a monetary incentive offered by the company for an energy efficiency program if the customer has received a tax credit for low-income housing or historic preservation. This act makes an exception to this restriction for low-income customers.

This section is identical to SB 275 (2013).


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