
HB 152 - This act modifies provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of alleged child abuse in schools, school district peace officers, and school resource officers.

CHILDREN'S DIVISION JURISDICTION: This act repeals provisions prohibiting the Children's Division from having jurisdiction over or investigating reports of alleged child abuse arising out of the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property or any spanking administered in a reasonable manner by specified school personnel.

This act also removes specific reporting and investigative procedures that must be followed by a school district and the Children's Division when a student alleges sexual misconduct by a teacher or other school employee. (Section 160.261)

MANDATORY REPORTING: Current law requires that certain personnel must report, or cause a report to be made, to the Children's Division when child abuse or neglect is suspected. This act requires that an individual must immediately report to the Children's Division when child abuse or neglect is suspected. This act prohibits an internal investigation from being initiated until a report has been made.

If two or more members of a medical institution who are required to report jointly, a single report may be made by a member of that team. If the designated team member fails to report, any other member must immediately make the report. Supervisors and administrators are prohibited from impeding and inhibiting reporting. Employers are prohibited from sanctioning or imposing any adverse employment action on any mandatory reporter for making a report. (Section 210.115)

SCHOOL OFFICERS: Currently, the school board of the Blue Springs school district may authorize and commission school officers to enforce laws relating to crimes committed on school premises, at school activities, and on school buses. This act allows the school board of any school district to authorize and commission such school officers. (Section 162.215)

DARE PROGRAM CURRICULUM: The Missouri State Training Center for the DARE program must develop curriculum and certification requirements for school resource officers. School resource officers must complete, at a minimum, forty hours of basic school resource officer training that includes legal operations within an educational environment, intruder training and planning, juvenile law, and other relevant topics. (Section 1)


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