
HCS/HB 315 - This act requires a health carrier that offers or issues plans which are issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2014, that provide coverage for prescription eye drops, to provide coverage for refilling the eye drop prescription prior to the last day of the insured's dosage period without regard to a restriction for an early refill as long as the prescribing health care provider authorizes the early refill and the health carrier or health benefit plan is notified. The coverage must not be subject to any greater deductible or co-payment than other similar health care services provided by the health plan. The act exempts certain supplemental insurance policies from its provisions. The act terminates on January 1, 2017.

This act is identical to SCS/SB 147 (2013) and similar to SB 622 (2012) and HB 1081 (2012).


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