Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed

SCS/HCS/HB 722 - Currently, a member of the Police Retirement System of St. Louis who becomes disabled from causes occurring within the performance of duties shall be retired upon certification by the medical director of the police retirement system and approved by the board of trustees of the system. This act replaces this certification process by requiring that one or more physicians of the medical board certify that the member is unable to perform the full and unrestricted duties of a police officer. The act defines both medical board and full and unrestricted duties of a police officer.

Under current law, a member who is disabled in an incident unrelated to the performance of official duties and who has ten or more years of service shall be retired by the board of trustees of the police retirement system. The act provides that a member with a non-duty disability may retire after five years of creditable service provided that the system's actuarial valuation is at least eighty percent. The act also provides that the retirement application shall be certified by a medical board, rather than the medical director.

This act is identical to provisions contained in CCS/SCS/SB 224 (2013), CCS/SS/HB 336 (2013), SS/SCS/HB 116 (2013), and similar to provisions in HB 897 (2013) and HCS/SCS/SB 86 (2013).


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