
HCS/HBs 404 & 614 - This act establishes psychological stress of paid peace officers of a police department as an occupational disease for the purposes of workers' compensation.

The act also modifies the "Line of Duty Compensation Act".

All paramedics are included and eligible under the act for compensation when killed in the line of duty.

Under current law, an individual is eligible for compensation when he or she loses one's life as a result of an injury received in the active performance of his or her duties within the ordinary scope of his or her profession while on duty and but for the individual's performance, death would not have occurred.

This act modifies the eligibility requirements. An individual qualifies for compensation when such individual loses one's life as a result of an injury received in the active performance of his or her profession if the death occurs as a natural and probable consequence of the injury or disease caused by the accident or violence of another within 300 weeks from the date the injury is received. Individuals qualify for compensation when their death is caused as a result of a willful act of violence committed by a person other than the deceased and a relationship exists between the commission of the act and the deceased individual's performance of his or her professional duties regardless of whether the injury is received while on duty. Individuals also qualify when the injury is received while traveling to or from employment during a break while on duty. Law enforcement officers qualify if death occurs while he or she is attempting to prevent the commission of a criminal act of another person or attempting to apprehend an individual suspected of committing a crime regardless of whether the officer is on duty.

This act is similar to SB 278 (2013).


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